topostats.processing ==================== .. py:module:: topostats.processing .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Functions for procesing data. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: topostats.processing.LOGGER Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: topostats.processing.run_filters topostats.processing.run_grains topostats.processing.run_grainstats topostats.processing.run_dnatracing topostats.processing.get_out_paths topostats.processing.process_scan topostats.processing.check_run_steps topostats.processing.completion_message Module Contents --------------- .. py:data:: LOGGER .. py:function:: run_filters(unprocessed_image: numpy.ndarray, pixel_to_nm_scaling: float, filename: str, filter_out_path: pathlib.Path, core_out_path: pathlib.Path, filter_config: dict, plotting_config: dict) -> numpy.ndarray Function for running image flattening and plotting the results. Instantiates a Filters object and flattens the image then optionally plots the results, returning the flattened image. :param unprocessed_image: Image to be flattened :type unprocessed_image: np.ndarray :param pixel_to_nm_scaling: Scaling factor for converting pixel length scales to nanometres. ie the number of pixels per nanometre. :type pixel_to_nm_scaling: float :param filename: File name for the image :type filename: str :param filter_out_path: Output directory for step-by-step flattening plots. :type filter_out_path: Path :param core_out_path: General output directory for outputs such as the flattened image. :type core_out_path: Path :param filter_config: Dictionary of configuration for the Filters class to use when initialised. :type filter_config: dict :param plotting_config: Dictionary of configuration for plotting output images. :type plotting_config: dict :returns: Either a numpy array of the flattened image, or None if an error occurs or flattening is disabled in the configuration. :rtype: Union[np.ndarray, None] .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: run_grains(image: numpy.ndarray, pixel_to_nm_scaling: float, filename: str, grain_out_path: pathlib.Path, core_out_path: pathlib.Path, plotting_config: dict, grains_config: dict) Function for running grain finding and plotting the results. Instantiates a Grains object and runs grain finding, then optionally plots the results, returning the grain masks in a dictionary. :param image: 2d numpy array image to find grains in :type image: np.ndarray :param pixel_to_nm_scaling: Scaling factor for converting pixel length scales to nanometres. ie the number of pixels per nanometre. :type pixel_to_nm_scaling: float :param grain_out_path: Output path for step-by-step grain finding plots :param core_out_path: General output directory for outputs such as the flattened image with grain masks overlaid. :param plotting_config: Dictionary of configuration for plotting images. :param grains_config: Dictionary of configuration for the Grains class to use when initialised. :returns: Either None in the case of error or grain finding being disabled or a dictionary with keys of "above" and or "below" containing binary masks depicting where grains have been detected. :rtype: Union[dict, None] .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: run_grainstats(image: numpy.ndarray, pixel_to_nm_scaling: float, grain_masks: dict, filename: str, grainstats_config: dict, plotting_config: dict, grain_out_path: pathlib.Path) Function for calculating grain statistics and optionally plotting the results. Instantiates a GrainStats object and calculates grain statsistics for supplied grain masks, then optionally plots the results and returns a dataframe of grain statsistics. :param image: 2D numpy array image for grain statistics calculations. :type image: np.ndarray :param pixel_to_nm_scaling: Scaling factor for converting pixel length scales to nanometres. ie the number of pixels per nanometre. :type pixel_to_nm_scaling: float :param grain_masks: Dictionary of grain masks, keys "above" or "below" with values of 2d numpy boolean arrays indicating the pixels that have been masked as grains. :type grain_masks: dict :param filename: Name of the image. :type filename: str :param grainstats_config: Dictionary of configuration for the GrainStats class to be used when initialised. :type grainstats_config: dict :param plotting_config: Dictionary of configuration for plotting images. :type plotting_config: dict :param grain_out_path: Directory to save optional grain statistics visual information to. :returns: A pandas DataFrame containing the statsistics for each grain. The index is the filename and grain number. :rtype: pd.DataFrame .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: run_dnatracing(image: numpy.ndarray, grain_masks: dict, pixel_to_nm_scaling: float, image_path: pathlib.Path, filename: str, core_out_path: pathlib.Path, grain_out_path: pathlib.Path, dnatracing_config: dict, plotting_config: dict, results_df: pandas.DataFrame = None) Function for calculating dna traces. Runs dna tracing for the grain masks supplied, adds resulting statistics to the supplied grain statsistics DataFrame and plots the molecule traces. :param image: Image containing the DNA to pass to the dna tracing function :type image: np.ndarray :param grain_masks: Dictionary of grain masks, keys "above" or "below" with values of 2d numpy boolean arrays indicating the pixels that have been masked as grains. :type grain_masks: dict :param pixel_to_nm_scaling: Scaling factor for converting pixel length scales to nanometres. ie the number of pixels per nanometre. :type pixel_to_nm_scaling: float :param image_path: Path to the image file. Used for DataFrame indexing. :type image_path: Path :param filename: Name of the image. :type filename: str :param core_out_path: General output directory for outputs such as the grain statistics DataFrame. :type core_out_path: Path :param grain_out_path: Directory to save optional dna tracing visual information to. :type grain_out_path: Path :param dna_tracing_config: Dictionary configruation for the dna tracing function. :type dna_tracing_config: dict :param plotting_config: Dictionary configuration for plotting images. :type plotting_config: dict :param results_df: Pandas DataFrame containing grain statistics. :type results_df: pd.DataFrame :returns: Pandas DataFrame containing grain statistics and dna tracing statistics. Keys are file path and molecule number. :rtype: pd.DataFrame .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: get_out_paths(image_path: pathlib.Path, base_dir: pathlib.Path, output_dir: pathlib.Path, filename: str, plotting_config: dict) Returns various output paths for a given image and plotting config. :param image_path: Path of the image being processed :type image_path: Path :param base_dir: Path of the data folder :type base_dir: Path :param output_dir: Base output directory for output data :type output_dir: Path :param filename: Name of the image being processed :type filename: str :param plotting_config: Dictionary of configuration for plotting images. :type plotting_config: dict :returns: Core output path for general file outputs, filter output path for flattening related files and grain output path for grain finding related files. :rtype: tuple .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: process_scan(topostats_object: dict, base_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path], filter_config: dict, grains_config: dict, grainstats_config: dict, dnatracing_config: dict, plotting_config: dict, output_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = 'output') -> Tuple[dict, pandas.DataFrame, dict] Process a single image, filtering, finding grains and calculating their statistics. :param img_path_px2nm: A dictionary with keys 'image', 'img_path' and 'px_2_nm' containing a file or frames' image, it's path and it's pixel to namometre scaling value. :type img_path_px2nm: Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, Path, float]] :param base_dir: Directory to recursively search for files, if not specified the current directory is scanned. :type base_dir: Union[str, Path] :param filter_config: Dictionary of configuration options for running the Filter stage. :type filter_config: dict :param grains_config: Dictionary of configuration options for running the Grain detection stage. :type grains_config: dict :param grainstats_config: Dictionary of configuration options for running the Grain Statistics stage. :type grainstats_config: dict :param dnatracing_config: Dictionary of configuration options for running the DNA Tracing stage. :type dnatracing_config: dict :param plotting_config: Dictionary of configuration options for plotting figures. :type plotting_config: dict :param output_dir: Directory to save output to, it will be created if it does not exist. If it already exists then it is possible that output will be over-written. :type output_dir: Union[str, Path] :returns: TopoStats dictionary object, DataFrame containing grain statistics and dna tracing statistics, and dictionary containing general image statistics :rtype: tuple[dict, pd.DataFrame, dict] .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: check_run_steps(filter_run: bool, grains_run: bool, grainstats_run: bool, dnatracing_run: bool) -> None Check options for running steps (Filter, Grain, Grainstats and DNA tracing) are logically consistent. This checks that earlier steps required are enabled. :param filter_run: Flag for running Filtering. :type filter_run: bool :param grains_run: Flag for running Grains. :type grains_run: bool :param grainstats_run: Flag for running GrainStats. :type grainstats_run: bool :param dnatracing_run: Flag for running DNA Tracing. :type dnatracing_run: bool :rtype: None .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: completion_message(config: Dict, img_files: List, summary_config: Dict, images_processed: int) -> None Print a completion message summarising images processed. :param config: Configuration dictionary. :type config: dict :param img_files: List of found image paths. :type img_files: list() :param summary_config: Configuration for plotting summary statistics. :type summary_config: dict( :param images_processed: Pandas DataFrame of results. :type images_processed: int :param Results: :param -------: :param None: .. !! processed by numpydoc !!