# Workflow This section gives a broad overview of the steps taken in processing images. ## Topotracing : Processing a single `.spm` file Topotracing loads images from `.spm` files and extracts the specified channel, performing various filtering stages (`Filters()` class) before finding grains (`Grains()` class) and then calculating statistics for each grain (`GrainStats()` class). The Gaussian filtered image and labelling of grains is then passed onto DNA Tracing. ```{mermaid} %%{init: {'theme': 'base', } }%% graph TD; subgraph Background Flattening A1([Load YAML Configuration]) --> A2([Load SPM]) A2 --> A3([Extract channel from SPM]) A3 --> A4([Initial Align]) A4 --> A5([Initial Tilt Removal]) A5 --> A6([Thresholding Otsu]) A6 --> A7([Mask Generation]) A7 --> A8([Masked Align]) A8 --> A9([Masked Tilt Removal]) A9 --> A10([Background Zeroing]) end subgraph Grain Finding A10 --> B1([Lower Thresholding]) B1 --> B2([Guassian Filtering]) B2 --> B3([Tidy Edges]) B3 --> B4([Preliminary Statistics]) B4 --> B5([Size Thresholding]) B5 --> B6([Label Regions]) end subgraph Grain Statistics B6 --> C2([Calculate Points]) C2 --> C8([Height & Volume Statistics]) C2 --> C3([Calculate Edges]) C2 --> C4([Calculate Centroid]) C3 --> C5([Calculate Radius Statistics]) C3 --> C6([Convex Hull / Graham Scan]) C6 --> C7([Minimum Bounding Box Statistics]) end subgraph DNA Tracing B2 --> D1([More Analysis]) B5 --> D1 end style A1 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A2 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A3 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A4 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A5 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A6 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A7 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A8 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A9 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A10 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style B1 fill:#DC267F,stroke:#000000 style B2 fill:#DC267F,stroke:#000000 style B3 fill:#DC267F,stroke:#000000 style B4 fill:#DC267F,stroke:#000000 style B5 fill:#DC267F,stroke:#000000 style B6 fill:#DC267F,stroke:#000000 style C2 fill:#FE6100,stroke:#000000 style C3 fill:#FE6100,stroke:#000000 style C4 fill:#FE6100,stroke:#000000 style C5 fill:#FE6100,stroke:#000000 style C6 fill:#FE6100,stroke:#000000 style C7 fill:#FE6100,stroke:#000000 style C8 fill:#FE6100,stroke:#000000 style D1 fill:#785EF0,stroke:#000000 ``` ## DNA Tracing : Processing a single grain ```{mermaid} %%{init: {'theme': 'base', } }%% graph TD; subgraph dnaTrace A1(["get_numpy_arrays() | Load Numpy arrays to dictionary indexed by number"]) --> A2(["skimage.filters.gaussian() | Filter full image"]) A2 -- For each image --> A3(["get_disordered_trace() | extracts mask"]) A3 --> A4(["purge_obvious_crap() | Removes ites if len() < 10 (i.e. small objects) "]) A4 --> A5(["linear_or_circular on unordered traces() | linear or circular molecule"]) A5 --> A6(["get_ordered_traces() | Reorders points in the array?"]) A6 --> A7(["linear_or_circular() on ordered traces"]) A7 --> A8(["get_fitted_traces()"]) A8 --> A9(["get_splined_traces()"]) A9 --> A10(["measure_contour_length()"]) A10 --> A11(["measure_end_to_end_distance()"]) A11 --> A12(["report_basic_stats()"]) end subgraph "get_disordered_trace()" A3 --> B1(["ndimage.binary_dilation() | extracts mask"]) B1 --> B2(["scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter molecule()"]) B2 --> B3(["getSkeleton()"]) B3 --> A4 end subgraph "getSkeleton()" B3 --> C1(["Skeletonize | to be replaced by get_skeleton()"]) C1 --> B3 end style A1 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A2 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A3 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A4 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A5 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A6 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A7 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A8 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A9 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A10 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A11 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style A12 fill:#648FFF,stroke:#000000 style B1 fill:#DC267F,stroke:#000000 style B2 fill:#DC267F,stroke:#000000 style B3 fill:#DC267F,stroke:#000000 style C1 fill:#FE6100,stroke:#000000 ```