Source code for topostats.filters

"""Module for filtering 2D Numpy arrays."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

# ruff: noqa: disable=no-name-in-module
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from skimage.filters import gaussian

from topostats import scars
from topostats.logs.logs import LOGGER_NAME
from topostats.utils import get_mask, get_thresholds

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)

# ruff: noqa: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# ruff: noqa: disable=too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=fixme
# pylint: disable=broad-except
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value

[docs] class Filters: """ Class for filtering scans. Parameters ---------- image : npt.NDArray The raw image from the Atomic Force Microscopy machine. filename : str The filename (used in logging only). pixel_to_nm_scaling : float Value for converting pixels to nanometers. row_alignment_quantile : float Quantile (0.0 to 1.0) to be used to determine the average background for the image below values may improve flattening of large features. threshold_method : str Method for thresholding, default 'otsu', valid options 'otsu', 'std_dev' and 'absolute'. otsu_threshold_multiplier : float Value for scaling the derived Otsu threshold. threshold_std_dev : dict If using the 'std_dev' threshold method. Dictionary that contains above and below threshold values for the number of standard deviations from the mean to threshold. threshold_absolute : dict If using the 'absolute' threshold method. Dictionary that contains above and below absolute threshold values for flattening. gaussian_size : float If using the 'absolute' threshold method. Dictionary that contains above and below absolute threshold values for flattening. gaussian_mode : str Method passed to 'skimage.filters.gaussian(mode = gaussian_mode)'. remove_scars : dict Dictionary containing configuration parameters for the scar removal function. """ # numpydoc: ignore=PR01 def __init__( self, image: npt.NDArray, filename: str, pixel_to_nm_scaling: float, row_alignment_quantile: float = 0.5, threshold_method: str = "otsu", otsu_threshold_multiplier: float = 1.7, threshold_std_dev: dict = None, threshold_absolute: dict = None, gaussian_size: float = None, gaussian_mode: str = "nearest", remove_scars: dict = None, ): """ Initialise the class. Parameters ---------- image : npt.NDArray The raw image from the Atomic Force Microscopy machine. filename : str The filename (used in logging only). pixel_to_nm_scaling : float Value for converting pixels to nanometers. row_alignment_quantile : float Quantile (0.0 to 1.0) to be used to determine the average background for the image below values may improve flattening of large features. threshold_method : str Method for thresholding, default 'otsu', valid options 'otsu', 'std_dev' and 'absolute'. otsu_threshold_multiplier : float Value for scaling the derived Otsu threshold. threshold_std_dev : dict If using the 'std_dev' threshold method. Dictionary that contains above and below threshold values for the number of standard deviations from the mean to threshold. threshold_absolute : dict If using the 'absolute' threshold method. Dictionary that contains above and below absolute threshold values for flattening. gaussian_size : float If using the 'absolute' threshold method. Dictionary that contains above and below absolute threshold values for flattening. gaussian_mode : str Method passed to 'skimage.filters.gaussian(mode = gaussian_mode)'. remove_scars : dict Dictionary containing configuration parameters for the scar removal function. """ self.filename = filename self.pixel_to_nm_scaling = pixel_to_nm_scaling self.gaussian_size = gaussian_size self.gaussian_mode = gaussian_mode self.row_alignment_quantile = row_alignment_quantile self.threshold_method = threshold_method self.otsu_threshold_multiplier = otsu_threshold_multiplier self.threshold_std_dev = threshold_std_dev self.threshold_absolute = threshold_absolute self.remove_scars_config = remove_scars self.images = { "pixels": image, "initial_median_flatten": None, "initial_tilt_removal": None, "initial_quadratic_removal": None, "initial_scar_removal": None, "initial_zero_average_background": None, "masked_median_flatten": None, "masked_tilt_removal": None, "masked_quadratic_removal": None, "secondary_scar_removal": None, "scar_mask": None, "mask": None, "final_zero_average_background": None, "gaussian_filtered": None, } self.thresholds = None self.medians = {"rows": None, "cols": None} self.results = { "diff": None, "median_row_height": None, "x_gradient": None, "y_gradient": None, "threshold": None, }
[docs] def median_flatten( self, image: npt.NDArray, mask: npt.NDArray = None, row_alignment_quantile: float = 0.5 ) -> npt.NDArray: """ Flatten images using median differences. Flatten the rows of an image, aligning the rows and centering the median around zero. When used with a mask, this has the effect of centering the background data on zero. Note this function does not handle scars. Parameters ---------- image : npt.NDArray 2-D image of the data to align the rows of. mask : npt.NDArray Boolean array of points to mask (ignore). row_alignment_quantile : float Quantile (in the range 0.0 to 1.0) used for defining the average background. Returns ------- npt.NDArray Copy of the input image with rows aligned. """ image = image.copy() if mask is not None: read_matrix =, mask=mask, fill_value=np.nan).filled() LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Median flattening with mask") else: read_matrix = image LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Median flattening without mask") for row in range(image.shape[0]): # Get the median of the row m = np.nanquantile(read_matrix[row, :], row_alignment_quantile) if not np.isnan(m): image[row, :] -= m else: LOGGER.warning( """f[{self.filename}] Large grain detected image can not be processed, please refer to for more information.""" ) return image
[docs] def remove_tilt(self, image: npt.NDArray, mask: npt.NDArray = None) -> npt.NDArray: """ Remove the planar tilt from an image (linear in 2D spaces). Uses a linear fit of the medians of the rows and columns to determine the linear slants in x and y directions and then subtracts the fit from the columns. Parameters ---------- image : npt.NDArray 2-D image of the data to remove the planar tilt from. mask : npt.NDArray Boolean array of points to mask (ignore). Returns ------- npt.NDArray Numpy array of image with tilt removed. """ image = image.copy() if mask is not None: read_matrix =, mask=mask, fill_value=np.nan).filled() LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Plane tilt removal with mask") else: read_matrix = image LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Plane tilt removal without mask") # Line of best fit # Calculate medians medians_x = [np.nanmedian(read_matrix[:, i]) for i in range(read_matrix.shape[1])] medians_y = [np.nanmedian(read_matrix[j, :]) for j in range(read_matrix.shape[0])] LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] [remove_tilt] medians_x : {medians_x}") LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] [remove_tilt] medians_y : {medians_y}") # Fit linear x px = np.polyfit(range(0, len(medians_x)), medians_x, 1) LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : x-polyfit 1st order: {px}") py = np.polyfit(range(0, len(medians_y)), medians_y, 1) LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : y-polyfit 1st order: {py}") if px[0] != 0: if not np.isnan(px[0]): LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Removing x plane tilt") for row in range(0, image.shape[0]): for col in range(0, image.shape[1]): image[row, col] -= px[0] * (col) else: LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : x gradient is nan, skipping plane tilt x removal") else: LOGGER.debug("[{self.filename}] : x gradient is zero, skipping plane tilt x removal") if py[0] != 0: if not np.isnan(py[0]): LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : removing y plane tilt") for row in range(0, image.shape[0]): for col in range(0, image.shape[1]): image[row, col] -= py[0] * (row) else: LOGGER.debug("[{self.filename}] : y gradient is nan, skipping plane tilt y removal") else: LOGGER.debug("[{self.filename}] : y gradient is zero, skipping plane tilt y removal") return image
[docs] def remove_nonlinear_polynomial(self, image: npt.NDArray, mask: npt.NDArray | None = None) -> npt.NDArray: """ Fit and remove a "saddle" shaped nonlinear polynomial from the image. "Saddles" with the form a + b * x * y - c * x - d * y from the supplied image. AFM images sometimes contain a "saddle" shape trend to their background, and so to remove them we fit a nonlinear polynomial of x and y and then subtract the fit from the image. If these trends are not removed, then the image will not flatten properly and will leave opposite diagonal corners raised or lowered. Parameters ---------- image : npt.NDArray 2-D numpy height-map array of floats with a polynomial trend to remove. mask : npt.NDArray, optional 2-D Numpy boolean array used to mask any points in the image that are deemed not to be part of the height-map's background data. Returns ------- npt.NDArray Image with the polynomial trend subtracted. """ # Script has a lot of locals but I feel this is necessary for readability? # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # Define the polynomial function to fit to the image def model_func(x: float, y: float, a: float, b: float, c: float, d: float) -> float: """ Polynomial function to fit to the image. Parameters ---------- x : float X. y : float Y. a : float A. b : float B. c : float C. d : float D. Returns ------- float Result of applying the polynomial a + (b * x * y) - (c * x) - (d * y). """ return a + b * x * y - c * x - d * y image = image.copy() if mask is not None: read_matrix =, mask=mask, fill_value=np.nan).filled() else: read_matrix = image # Construct a meshgrid of x and y points for fitting to the z heights xdata, ydata = np.meshgrid(np.arange(read_matrix.shape[1]), np.arange(read_matrix.shape[0])) zdata = read_matrix # Only use data that is not nan. Nans may be in the image from the # masked array. Curve fitting cannot handle nans. nan_mask = ~np.isnan(zdata) xdata_nans_removed = xdata[nan_mask] ydata_nans_removed = ydata[nan_mask] zdata_nans_removed = zdata[nan_mask] # Convert the z data to a 1D array zdata = zdata.ravel() zdata_nans_removed = zdata_nans_removed.ravel() # Stack the x, y meshgrid data after converting them to 1D xy_data_stacked = np.vstack((xdata_nans_removed.ravel(), ydata_nans_removed.ravel())) # Fit the model to the data # Note: pylint is flagging the tuple unpacking regarding an internal line of scipy.optimize._minpack_py : 910. # This isn't actually an issue though as the extended tuple output is only provided if the 'full_output' flag is # provided as a kwarg in curve_fit. popt, _pcov = curve_fit( # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking lambda x, a, b, c, d: model_func(x[0], x[1], a, b, c, d), xy_data_stacked, zdata_nans_removed, ) # Unpack the optimised parameters a, b, c, d = popt LOGGER.debug( f"[{self.filename}] : Nonlinear polynomial removal optimal params: const: {a} xy: {b} x: {c} y: {d}" ) # Use the optimised parameters to construct a prediction of the underlying surface z_pred = model_func(xdata, ydata, a, b, c, d) # Subtract the fitted nonlinear polynomial from the image image -= z_pred return image
[docs] def remove_quadratic(self, image: npt.NDArray, mask: npt.NDArray = None) -> npt.NDArray: """ Remove the quadratic bowing that can be seen in some large-scale AFM images. Use a simple quadratic fit on the medians of the columns of the image and then subtracts the calculated quadratic from the columns. Parameters ---------- image : npt.NDArray 2-D image of the data to remove the quadratic from. mask : npt.NDArray Boolean array of points to mask (ignore). Returns ------- npt.NDArray Image with the quadratic bowing removed. """ image = image.copy() if mask is not None: read_matrix =, mask=mask, fill_value=np.nan).filled() LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Remove quadratic bow with mask") else: read_matrix = image LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Remove quadratic bow without mask") # Calculate medians medians_x = [np.nanmedian(read_matrix[:, i]) for i in range(read_matrix.shape[1])] # Fit quadratic x px = np.polyfit(range(0, len(medians_x)), medians_x, 2) LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : x polyfit 2nd order: {px}") # Handle divide by zero if px[0] != 0: if not np.isnan(px[0]): # Remove quadratic in x cx = -px[1] / (2 * px[0]) for row in range(0, image.shape[0]): for col in range(0, image.shape[1]): image[row, col] -= px[0] * (col - cx) ** 2 else: LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Quadratic polyfit returns nan, skipping quadratic removal") else: LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Quadratic polyfit returns zero, skipping quadratic removal") return image
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_diff(array: npt.NDArray) -> npt.NDArray: """ Calculate the difference between the last and first rows of a 2-D array. Parameters ---------- array : npt.NDArray A Numpy array. Returns ------- npt.NDArray An array of the difference between the last and first rows of an array. """ return array[-1] - array[0]
[docs] def calc_gradient(self, array: npt.NDArray, shape: int) -> npt.NDArray: """ Calculate the gradient of an array. Parameters ---------- array : npt.NDArray Array for gradient to be calculated. shape : int Shape of the array. Returns ------- npt.NDArray Gradient across the array. """ return self.calc_diff(array) / shape
[docs] def average_background(self, image: npt.NDArray, mask: npt.NDArray = None) -> npt.NDArray: """ Zero the background by subtracting the non-masked mean from all pixels. Parameters ---------- image : npt.NDArray Numpy array representing the image. mask : npt.NDArray Mask of the array, should have the same dimensions as image. Returns ------- npt.NDArray Numpy array of image zero averaged. """ if mask is None: mask = np.zeros_like(image) mean = np.mean(image[mask == 0]) LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Zero averaging background : {mean} nm") return image - mean
[docs] def gaussian_filter(self, image: npt.NDArray, **kwargs) -> npt.NDArray: """ Apply Gaussian filter to an image. Parameters ---------- image : npt.NDArray Numpy array representing the image. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed on to the skimage.filters.gaussian() function. Returns ------- npt.NDArray Numpy array that represent the image after Gaussian filtering. """ LOGGER.debug( f"[{self.filename}] : Applying Gaussian filter (mode : {self.gaussian_mode};" f" Gaussian blur (px) : {self.gaussian_size})." ) return gaussian( image, sigma=(self.gaussian_size), mode=self.gaussian_mode, **kwargs, )
[docs] def filter_image(self) -> None: # numpydoc: ignore=GL07 """ Process a single image, filtering, finding grains and calculating their statistics. Returns ------- None Does not return anything. Examples -------- from import LoadScan from topostats.topotracing import Filter, process_scan filter = Filter(image=load_scan.image, ... pixel_to_nm_scaling=load_scan.pixel_to_nm_scaling, ... filename=load_scan.filename, ... threshold_method='otsu') filter.filter_image() """ self.images["initial_median_flatten"] = self.median_flatten( self.images["pixels"], mask=None, row_alignment_quantile=self.row_alignment_quantile ) self.images["initial_tilt_removal"] = self.remove_tilt(self.images["initial_median_flatten"], mask=None) self.images["initial_quadratic_removal"] = self.remove_quadratic(self.images["initial_tilt_removal"], mask=None) self.images["initial_nonlinear_polynomial_removal"] = self.remove_nonlinear_polynomial( self.images["initial_quadratic_removal"], mask=None ) # Remove scars run_scar_removal = self.remove_scars_config.pop("run") if run_scar_removal: LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Initial scar removal") self.images["initial_scar_removal"], _ = scars.remove_scars( self.images["initial_nonlinear_polynomial_removal"], filename=self.filename, **self.remove_scars_config, ) else: LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Skipping scar removal as requested from config") self.images["initial_scar_removal"] = self.images["initial_nonlinear_polynomial_removal"] # Zero the data before thresholding, helps with absolute thresholding self.images["initial_zero_average_background"] = self.average_background( self.images["initial_scar_removal"], mask=None ) # Get the thresholds try: self.thresholds = get_thresholds( image=self.images["initial_zero_average_background"], threshold_method=self.threshold_method, otsu_threshold_multiplier=self.otsu_threshold_multiplier, threshold_std_dev=self.threshold_std_dev, absolute=self.threshold_absolute, ) except TypeError as type_error: raise type_error self.images["mask"] = get_mask( image=self.images["initial_zero_average_background"], thresholds=self.thresholds, img_name=self.filename, ) self.images["masked_median_flatten"] = self.median_flatten( self.images["initial_tilt_removal"], self.images["mask"], row_alignment_quantile=self.row_alignment_quantile, ) self.images["masked_tilt_removal"] = self.remove_tilt(self.images["masked_median_flatten"], self.images["mask"]) self.images["masked_quadratic_removal"] = self.remove_quadratic( self.images["masked_tilt_removal"], self.images["mask"] ) self.images["masked_nonlinear_polynomial_removal"] = self.remove_nonlinear_polynomial( self.images["masked_quadratic_removal"], self.images["mask"] ) # Remove scars if run_scar_removal: LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Secondary scar removal") self.images["secondary_scar_removal"], scar_mask = scars.remove_scars( self.images["masked_nonlinear_polynomial_removal"], filename=self.filename, **self.remove_scars_config, ) self.images["scar_mask"] = scar_mask else: LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] : Skipping scar removal as requested from config") self.images["secondary_scar_removal"] = self.images["masked_nonlinear_polynomial_removal"] self.images["final_zero_average_background"] = self.average_background( self.images["secondary_scar_removal"], self.images["mask"] ) self.images["gaussian_filtered"] = self.gaussian_filter(self.images["final_zero_average_background"])