"""Plotting data."""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from importlib import resources
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from matplotlib.patches import Patch, Rectangle
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation
import topostats
from topostats.logs.logs import LOGGER_NAME
from topostats.theme import Colormap
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
def add_pixel_to_nm_to_plotting_config(plotting_config: dict, pixel_to_nm_scaling: float) -> dict:
Add the pixel to nanometre scaling factor to plotting configs.
Ensures plots are in nanometres and not pixels.
plotting_config : dict
TopoStats plotting configuration dictionary.
pixel_to_nm_scaling : float
Pixel to nanometre scaling factor for the image.
Updated plotting config with the pixel to nanometre scaling factor applied to all the image configurations.
# Update PLOT_DICT with pixel_to_nm_scaling (can't add _output_dir since it changes)
plot_opts = {"pixel_to_nm_scaling": pixel_to_nm_scaling}
for image, options in plotting_config["plot_dict"].items():
plotting_config["plot_dict"][image] = {**options, **plot_opts}
return plotting_config
def dilate_binary_image(binary_image: npt.NDArray, dilation_iterations: int) -> npt.NDArray:
Dilate a supplied binary image a given number of times.
binary_image : npt.NDArray
Binary image to be dilated.
dilation_iterations : int
Number of dilation iterations to be performed.
Dilated binary image.
binary_image = binary_image.copy()
for _ in range(dilation_iterations):
binary_image = binary_dilation(binary_image)
return binary_image
def load_mplstyle(style: str | Path) -> None:
Load the Matplotlibrc parameter file.
style : str | Path
Path to a Matplotlib Style file.
if style == "topostats.mplstyle":
plt.style.use(resources.files(topostats) / style)
class Images:
Plots image arrays.
data : np.array
Numpy array to plot.
output_dir : Union[str, Path]
Output directory to save the file to.
filename : Union[str, Path]
Filename to save image as.
style : dict
Filename of matploglibrc Params.
pixel_to_nm_scaling : float
The scaling factor showing the real length of 1 pixel, in nm.
masked_array : npt.NDArray
Optional mask array to overlay onto an image.
title : str
Title for plot.
image_type : str
The image data type - binary or non-binary.
image_set : str
The set of images to process - core or all.
core_set : bool
Flag to identify image as part of the core image set or not.
pixel_interpolation : str | None
Interpolation to use (default: None).
cmap : str
Colour map to use (default 'nanoscope', 'afmhot' also available).
mask_cmap : str
Colour map to use for the secondary (masked) data (default 'jet_r', 'blu' proivides more contrast).
region_properties : dict
Dictionary of region properties, adds bounding boxes if specified.
zrange : list
Lower and upper bound to clip core images to.
colorbar : bool
Optionally add a colorbar to plots, default is False.
axes : bool
Optionally add/remove axes from the image.
num_ticks : tuple[int | None]
The number of x and y ticks to display on the image.
save : bool
Whether to save the image.
savefig_format : str
Format to save the image as.
histogram_log_axis : bool
Optionally use a logarithmic y axis for the histogram plots.
histogram_bins : int
Number of bins for histograms to use.
savefig_dpi : str | float | None
The resolution of the saved plot (default 'figure').
def __init__(
data: np.array,
output_dir: str | Path,
filename: str,
style: str | Path = None,
pixel_to_nm_scaling: float = 1.0,
masked_array: np.array = None,
title: str = None,
image_type: str = "non-binary",
image_set: str = "core",
core_set: bool = False,
pixel_interpolation: str | None = None,
cmap: str | None = None,
mask_cmap: str = "jet_r",
region_properties: dict = None,
zrange: list = None,
colorbar: bool = True,
axes: bool = True,
num_ticks: tuple[int | None] = (None, None),
save: bool = True,
savefig_format: str | None = None,
histogram_log_axis: bool = True,
histogram_bins: int | None = None,
savefig_dpi: str | float | None = None,
) -> None:
Initialise the class.
There are two key parameters that ensure whether and image is plotted that are passed in from the update
plotting dictionary. These are the `image_set` which defines whether to plot 'all' images or just the `core`
set. There is then the 'core_set' which defines whether an individual images belongs to the 'core_set' or not.
If it doesn't then it is not plotted when `image_set == "core"`.
data : np.array
Numpy array to plot.
output_dir : Union[str, Path]
Output directory to save the file to.
filename : Union[str, Path]
Filename to save image as.
style : dict
Filename of matploglibrc Params.
pixel_to_nm_scaling : float
The scaling factor showing the real length of 1 pixel, in nm.
masked_array : npt.NDArray
Optional mask array to overlay onto an image.
title : str
Title for plot.
image_type : str
The image data type - binary or non-binary.
image_set : str
The set of images to process - core or all.
core_set : bool
Flag to identify image as part of the core image set or not.
pixel_interpolation : str | None
Interpolation to use (default: None).
cmap : str
Colour map to use (default 'nanoscope', 'afmhot' also available).
mask_cmap : str
Colour map to use for the secondary (masked) data (default 'jet_r', 'blu' proivides more contrast).
region_properties : dict
Dictionary of region properties, adds bounding boxes if specified.
zrange : list
Lower and upper bound to clip core images to.
colorbar : bool
Optionally add a colorbar to plots, default is False.
axes : bool
Optionally add/remove axes from the image.
num_ticks : tuple[int | None]
The number of x and y ticks to display on the image.
save : bool
Whether to save the image.
savefig_format : str
Format to save the image as.
histogram_log_axis : bool
Optionally use a logarithmic y axis for the histogram plots.
histogram_bins : int
Number of bins for histograms to use.
savefig_dpi : str | float | None
The resolution of the saved plot (default 'figure').
if style is None:
style = "topostats.mplstyle"
if zrange is None:
zrange = [None, None]
self.data = data
self.output_dir = Path(output_dir)
self.filename = filename
self.pixel_to_nm_scaling = pixel_to_nm_scaling
self.masked_array = masked_array
self.title = title
self.image_type = image_type
self.image_set = image_set
self.core_set = core_set
self.interpolation = mpl.rcParams["image.interpolation"] if pixel_interpolation is None else pixel_interpolation
cmap = mpl.rcParams["image.cmap"] if cmap is None else cmap
self.cmap = Colormap(cmap).get_cmap()
self.mask_cmap = Colormap(mask_cmap).get_cmap()
self.region_properties = region_properties
self.zrange = zrange
self.colorbar = colorbar
self.axes = axes
self.num_ticks = num_ticks
self.save = save
self.savefig_format = mpl.rcParams["savefig.format"] if savefig_format is None else savefig_format
self.histogram_log_axis = histogram_log_axis
self.histogram_bins = mpl.rcParams["hist.bins"] if histogram_bins is None else histogram_bins
self.savefig_dpi = mpl.rcParams["savefig.dpi"] if savefig_dpi is None else savefig_dpi
def plot_histogram_and_save(self) -> tuple | None:
Plot and save a histogram of the height map.
tuple | None
Matplotlib.pyplot figure object and Matplotlib.pyplot axes object.
if self.image_set == "all":
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.hist(self.data.flatten().astype(float), bins=self.histogram_bins, log=self.histogram_log_axis)
ax.set_xlabel("pixel height")
if self.histogram_log_axis:
ax.set_ylabel("frequency in image (log)")
ax.set_ylabel("frequency in image")
(self.output_dir / f"{self.filename}_histogram.{self.savefig_format}"),
return fig, ax
return None
def plot_and_save(self):
Plot and save the image.
Matplotlib.pyplot figure object and Matplotlib.pyplot axes object.
fig, ax = None, None
if self.save:
# Only plot if image_set is "all" (i.e. user wants all images) or an image is in the core_set
if self.image_set == "all" or self.core_set:
fig, ax = self.save_figure()
f"[{self.filename}] : Image saved to : {str(self.output_dir / self.filename)}.{self.savefig_format}"
f" | DPI: {self.savefig_dpi}"
return fig, ax
return fig, ax
def add_bounding_boxes_to_plot(fig, ax, shape: tuple, region_properties: list, pixel_to_nm_scaling: float) -> tuple:
Add the bounding boxes to a plot.
fig : plt.figure.Figure
Matplotlib.pyplot figure object.
ax : plt.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot
Matplotlib.pyplot axes object.
shape : tuple
Tuple of the image-to-be-plot's shape.
region_properties : list
Region properties to add bounding boxes from.
pixel_to_nm_scaling : float
The scaling factor from px to nm.
Matplotlib.pyplot figure object and Matplotlib.pyplot axes object.
for region in region_properties:
min_y, min_x, max_y, max_x = (x * pixel_to_nm_scaling for x in region.bbox)
# Correct y-axis
min_y = (shape[0] * pixel_to_nm_scaling) - min_y
max_y = (shape[0] * pixel_to_nm_scaling) - max_y
rectangle = Rectangle((min_x, min_y), max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y, fill=False, edgecolor="white", linewidth=2)
return fig, ax
def set_n_ticks(ax: plt.Axes.axes, n_xy: list[int | None, int | None]) -> None:
Set the number of ticks along the y and x axes and lets matplotlib assign the values.
ax : plt.Axes.axes
The axes to add ticks to.
n_xy : list[int, int]
The number of ticks.
The axes with the new ticks.
if n_xy[0] is not None:
xlim = ax.get_xlim()
xstep = (max(xlim) - min(xlim)) / (n_xy[0] - 1)
xticks = np.arange(min(xlim), max(xlim) + xstep, xstep)
if n_xy[1] is not None:
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
ystep = (max(ylim) - min(ylim)) / (n_xy[1] - 1)
yticks = np.arange(min(ylim), max(ylim) + ystep, ystep)