
Module for filtering 2D Numpy arrays.

class topostats.filters.Filters(image: numpy.typing.NDArray, filename: str, pixel_to_nm_scaling: float, row_alignment_quantile: float = 0.5, threshold_method: str = 'otsu', otsu_threshold_multiplier: float = 1.7, threshold_std_dev: dict = None, threshold_absolute: dict = None, gaussian_size: float = None, gaussian_mode: str = 'nearest', remove_scars: dict = None)[source]#

Class for filtering scans.

  • image (npt.NDArray) – The raw image from the Atomic Force Microscopy machine.

  • filename (str) – The filename (used in logging only).

  • pixel_to_nm_scaling (float) – Value for converting pixels to nanometers.

  • row_alignment_quantile (float) – Quantile (0.0 to 1.0) to be used to determine the average background for the image below values may improve flattening of large features.

  • threshold_method (str) – Method for thresholding, default ‘otsu’, valid options ‘otsu’, ‘std_dev’ and ‘absolute’.

  • otsu_threshold_multiplier (float) – Value for scaling the derived Otsu threshold.

  • threshold_std_dev (dict) – If using the ‘std_dev’ threshold method. Dictionary that contains above and below threshold values for the number of standard deviations from the mean to threshold.

  • threshold_absolute (dict) – If using the ‘absolute’ threshold method. Dictionary that contains above and below absolute threshold values for flattening.

  • gaussian_size (float) – If using the ‘absolute’ threshold method. Dictionary that contains above and below absolute threshold values for flattening.

  • gaussian_mode (str) – Method passed to ‘skimage.filters.gaussian(mode = gaussian_mode)’.

  • remove_scars (dict) – Dictionary containing configuration parameters for the scar removal function.


average_background(image[, mask])

Zero the background by subtracting the non-masked mean from all pixels.


Calculate the difference between the last and first rows of a 2-D array.

calc_gradient(array, shape)

Calculate the gradient of an array.


Process a single image, filtering, finding grains and calculating their statistics.

gaussian_filter(image, **kwargs)

Apply Gaussian filter to an image.

median_flatten(image[, mask, ...])

Flatten images using median differences.

remove_nonlinear_polynomial(image[, mask])

Fit and remove a "saddle" shaped nonlinear polynomial from the image.

remove_quadratic(image[, mask])

Remove the quadratic bowing that can be seen in some large-scale AFM images.

remove_tilt(image[, mask])

Remove the planar tilt from an image (linear in 2D spaces).

average_background(image: numpy.typing.NDArray, mask: numpy.typing.NDArray = None) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]#

Zero the background by subtracting the non-masked mean from all pixels.

  • image (npt.NDArray) – Numpy array representing the image.

  • mask (npt.NDArray) – Mask of the array, should have the same dimensions as image.


Numpy array of image zero averaged.

Return type:


static calc_diff(array: numpy.typing.NDArray) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]#

Calculate the difference between the last and first rows of a 2-D array.


array (npt.NDArray) – A Numpy array.


An array of the difference between the last and first rows of an array.

Return type:


calc_gradient(array: numpy.typing.NDArray, shape: int) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]#

Calculate the gradient of an array.

  • array (npt.NDArray) – Array for gradient to be calculated.

  • shape (int) – Shape of the array.


Gradient across the array.

Return type:


filter_image() None[source]#

Process a single image, filtering, finding grains and calculating their statistics.


Does not return anything.

Return type:



from import LoadScan from topostats.topotracing import Filter, process_scan

filter = Filter(image=load_scan.image, … pixel_to_nm_scaling=load_scan.pixel_to_nm_scaling, … filename=load_scan.filename, … threshold_method=’otsu’) filter.filter_image()

gaussian_filter(image: numpy.typing.NDArray, **kwargs) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]#

Apply Gaussian filter to an image.

  • image (npt.NDArray) – Numpy array representing the image.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments passed on to the skimage.filters.gaussian() function.


Numpy array that represent the image after Gaussian filtering.

Return type:


median_flatten(image: numpy.typing.NDArray, mask: numpy.typing.NDArray = None, row_alignment_quantile: float = 0.5) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]#

Flatten images using median differences.

Flatten the rows of an image, aligning the rows and centering the median around zero. When used with a mask, this has the effect of centering the background data on zero.

Note this function does not handle scars.

  • image (npt.NDArray) – 2-D image of the data to align the rows of.

  • mask (npt.NDArray) – Boolean array of points to mask (ignore).

  • row_alignment_quantile (float) – Quantile (in the range 0.0 to 1.0) used for defining the average background.


Copy of the input image with rows aligned.

Return type:


remove_nonlinear_polynomial(image: npt.NDArray, mask: npt.NDArray | None = None) npt.NDArray[source]#

Fit and remove a “saddle” shaped nonlinear polynomial from the image.

“Saddles” with the form a + b * x * y - c * x - d * y from the supplied image. AFM images sometimes contain a “saddle” shape trend to their background, and so to remove them we fit a nonlinear polynomial of x and y and then subtract the fit from the image.

If these trends are not removed, then the image will not flatten properly and will leave opposite diagonal corners raised or lowered.

  • image (npt.NDArray) – 2-D numpy height-map array of floats with a polynomial trend to remove.

  • mask (npt.NDArray, optional) – 2-D Numpy boolean array used to mask any points in the image that are deemed not to be part of the height-map’s background data.


Image with the polynomial trend subtracted.

Return type:


remove_quadratic(image: numpy.typing.NDArray, mask: numpy.typing.NDArray = None) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]#

Remove the quadratic bowing that can be seen in some large-scale AFM images.

Use a simple quadratic fit on the medians of the columns of the image and then subtracts the calculated quadratic from the columns.

  • image (npt.NDArray) – 2-D image of the data to remove the quadratic from.

  • mask (npt.NDArray) – Boolean array of points to mask (ignore).


Image with the quadratic bowing removed.

Return type:


remove_tilt(image: numpy.typing.NDArray, mask: numpy.typing.NDArray = None) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]#

Remove the planar tilt from an image (linear in 2D spaces).

Uses a linear fit of the medians of the rows and columns to determine the linear slants in x and y directions and then subtracts the fit from the columns.

  • image (npt.NDArray) – 2-D image of the data to remove the planar tilt from.

  • mask (npt.NDArray) – Boolean array of points to mask (ignore).


Numpy array of image with tilt removed.

Return type:
