Source code for topostats.statistics

"""Function for calculating statistics about a whole image, for example number of grains or surface roughness."""

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from topostats.logs.logs import setup_logger, LOGGER_NAME

LOGGER = setup_logger(LOGGER_NAME)

[docs] def image_statistics( image: np.ndarray, filename: str, pixel_to_nm_scaling: float, results_df: pd.DataFrame, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculate statistics pertaining to the whole image, for example the size of the image in pixels and metres, the root-mean-squared roughness and the grains per metre squared. Parameters ---------- image: np.ndarray Numpy 2D image array of the image to calculate stats for. filename: str The name of the file being processed. pixel_to_nm_scaling: float Float of the scaling factor between pixels and nanometres. results_df: pd.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame of statistics pertaining to individual grains including from grainstats and dna tracing. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of image statistics. """ image_stats = { "Image": filename, "image_size_x_m": None, "image_size_y_m": None, "image_area_m2": None, "image_size_x_px": image.shape[1], "image_size_y_px": image.shape[0], "image_area_px2": None, "grains_number_above": None, "grains_per_m2_above": None, "grains_number_below": None, "grains_per_m2_below": None, "rms_roughness": None, } # Calculate dimensions of the image image_stats["image_size_x_m"] = image.shape[1] * pixel_to_nm_scaling * 1e-9 image_stats["image_size_y_m"] = image.shape[0] * pixel_to_nm_scaling * 1e-9 image_stats["image_area_m2"] = image_stats["image_size_x_m"] * image_stats["image_size_y_m"] image_stats["image_area_px2"] = image_stats["image_size_x_px"] * image_stats["image_size_y_px"] # Calculate the RMS roughness of the sample on the flattened image. image_stats["rms_roughness"] = roughness_rms(image=image) * 1e-9 # Calculate image stats relating to grain statistics. Note that the existence of any of these stats # is not guaranteed try: image_stats["grains_number_below"] = results_df["threshold"].value_counts().get("below", 0) image_stats["grains_per_m2_below"] = image_stats["grains_number_below"] / image_stats["image_area_m2"] except KeyError: pass try: image_stats["grains_number_above"] = results_df["threshold"].value_counts().get("above", 0) image_stats["grains_per_m2_above"] = image_stats["grains_number_above"] / image_stats["image_area_m2"] except KeyError: pass image_stats_df = pd.DataFrame([image_stats]) image_stats_df.set_index("Image", inplace=True) return image_stats_df
[docs] def roughness_rms(image: np.ndarray) -> float: """Calculate the root-mean-square roughness of a heightmap image. Parameters ---------- image: np.ndarray 2D numpy array of heightmap data to calculate the roughness of Returns: float The RMS roughness of the input array. """ return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(image)))