Source code for topostats.plotting

"""Plotting and summary of TopoStats output statistics."""
from collections import defaultdict

import importlib.resources as pkg_resources
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from typing import Union, Dict, Tuple, Optional
import yaml
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

from import read_yaml, save_pkl, write_yaml, convert_basename_to_relative_paths
from topostats.logs.logs import LOGGER_NAME
from topostats.utils import update_config

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals

[docs] class TopoSum: """Class for summarising grain statistics in plots.""" def __init__( self, df: pd.DataFrame = None, base_dir: Union[str, Path] = None, csv_file: Union[str, Path] = None, stat_to_sum: str = None, molecule_id: str = "molecule_number", image_id: str = "image", hist: bool = True, stat: str = "count", bins: int = 12, kde: bool = True, cut: float = 20, figsize: tuple = (16, 9), alpha: float = 0.5, palette: str = "deep", file_ext: str = "png", output_dir: Union[str, Path] = ".", var_to_label: dict = None, hue: str = "basename", ) -> None: """Initialise the class. Parameters ========== df: Union[pd.DataFrame] Pandas data frame of data to be summarised. base_dir: Union[str, Path] Base directory from which all paths are relative to. csv_file: Union[str, Path] CSV file of data to be summarised. stat_to_sum: str Variable to summarise. molecule_id: str Variable that uniquely identifies molecules. image_id: str Variable that uniquely identifies images. hist: bool Whether to plot histograms. stat: str Statistic to plot on histogram 'count' (default), 'freq'. bins: int Number of bins to plot. kde: bool Whether to include a Kernel Density Estimate. cut: float = 20, Cut point for KDE. figsize: tuple Figure dimensions. alpha: float Opacity to use in plots. palette: str = "deep" Seaborn colour plot to use. file_ext: str File type to save plots as 'png' (default), 'pdf', 'svg'. output_dir: Union[str, Path] Location to save plots to. var_to_label: dict Variable to label dictionary for automatically adding titles to plots. hue: str Dataframe column to group plots by. Returns ======= """ self.df = df if df is not None else pd.read_csv(csv_file) self.base_dir = base_dir self.stat_to_sum = stat_to_sum self.molecule_id = molecule_id self.image_id = image_id self.hist = hist self.bins = bins self.stat = stat self.kde = kde self.cut = cut self.figsize = figsize self.alpha = alpha self.palette = palette self.file_ext = file_ext self.output_dir = Path(output_dir) self.output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.var_to_label = var_to_label self.hue = hue self.melted_data = None self.summary_data = None self.label = None # melt the data given in the init method self.melted_data = self.melt_data(self.df, stat_to_summarize=self.stat_to_sum, var_to_label=self.var_to_label) convert_basename_to_relative_paths(df=self.melted_data) self.set_palette() self._set_label(self.stat_to_sum)
[docs] def _setup_figure(self): """Setup Matplotlib figure and axes.""" fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=self.figsize) return fig, ax
[docs] def _outfile(self, plot_suffix: str) -> str: """Generate the output file name with the appropriate suffix. Parameters ---------- plot_suffix: str The suffix to append to the output file. Returns ------- str: Concanenated string of the outfile and plot_suffix. """ return f"{self.stat_to_sum}_{plot_suffix}"
[docs] def sns_plot(self) -> Optional[Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]]: """Plot the distribution of one or more statistics as either histogram, kernel density estimates or both. Uses base Seaborn. Returns ------- Optional[Union[Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes], None]] Tuple of Matplotlib figure and axes if plotting is successful, None otherwise. """ # Note: Plotting KDEs with Seaborn is not possible if all values are the same. # This is because the KDE is calculated using a Gaussian kernel and if all values # are the same, the standard deviation is 0 wich results in a ZeroDivisionError with # is caught internally but then raises a numpy linalg error. # The try/catch is there to catch this error and skip plotting KDEs if all values are the same. fig, ax = self._setup_figure() # If histogram is requested but KDE is not, plot histogram if self.hist and not self.kde: outfile = self._outfile("hist") sns.histplot(data=self.melted_data, x="value", bins=self.bins, stat=self.stat, hue=self.hue) if self.kde and not self.hist: outfile = self._outfile("kde") try: sns.kdeplot(data=self.melted_data, x="value", hue=self.hue) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: "[plotting] KDE plot error: Numpy linalg error encountered. This is a result of all values \ for KDE plot being the same. KDE plots cannot be made as there is no variance, skipping." ) return None if self.hist and self.kde: outfile = self._outfile("hist_kde") try: sns.histplot( data=self.melted_data, x="value", bins=self.bins, stat=self.stat, hue=self.hue, kde=True, kde_kws={"cut": self.cut}, ) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: "[plotting] KDE plot error: Numpy linalg error encountered. This is a result of all values \ for KDE plot being the same. KDE plots cannot be made as there is no variance, skipping." ) return None plt.ticklabel_format(axis="both", style="sci", scilimits=(-3, 3)) plt.title(self.label) self.set_xlim() self.save_plot(outfile) return fig, ax
[docs] def sns_violinplot(self) -> None: """Violin plot of data.""" fig, ax = self._setup_figure() # Determine whether to draw a legend legend = "full" if len(self.melted_data[self.hue].unique()) > 1 else False sns.violinplot( data=self.melted_data, x=self.hue, y="value", hue=self.hue, alpha=self.alpha, legend=legend, ) plt.title(self.label) plt.xlabel("directory") plt.ylabel(self.label) outfile = self._outfile("violin") self.save_plot(outfile) return fig, ax
# def sns_jointplot(self, var1: str, var2: str) -> None: # """Joint distribution of two variables.""" # fig, ax = self._setup_figure() # sns.jointplot(data=self.df, x=var1, y=var2, kind="reg") # outfile = f"{'_'.join(self.stats_to_sum.keys())}_jointplot" # # outfile = self._outfile("jointplot") # self.save_plot(outfile) # return fig, ax
[docs] @staticmethod def melt_data(df: pd.DataFrame, stat_to_summarize: str, var_to_label: dict) -> pd.DataFrame: """Melt a dataframe into long format for plotting with Seaborn.""" melted_data = pd.melt(df.reset_index(), id_vars=["molecule_number", "basename"], value_vars=stat_to_summarize) melted_data["variable"] = melted_data["variable"].map(var_to_label)"[plotting] Data has been melted to long format for plotting.") return melted_data
[docs] def set_xlim(self, percent: float = 0.1) -> None: """Set the range of the x-axis. Parameters ---------- percent: float Percentage of the observed range by which to extend the x-axis. Only used if supplied range is outside the observed values. """ range_percent = percent * (self.melted_data["value"].max() - self.melted_data["value"].min()) range_min = self.melted_data["value"].min() range_max = self.melted_data["value"].max() plt.xlim(range_min - range_percent, range_max + range_percent)"[plotting] Setting x-axis range : {range_min} - {range_max}")
[docs] def set_palette(self): """Set the color palette.""" sns.set_palette(self.palette)"[plotting] Seaborn color palette : {self.palette}")
[docs] def save_plot(self, outfile: Path) -> None: """Save the plot to the output_dir Parameters ---------- outfile: str Output file name to save figure to. """ plt.savefig(self.output_dir / f"{outfile}.{self.file_ext}") f"[plotting] Plotted {self.stat_to_sum} to : " f"{str(self.output_dir / f'{outfile}.{self.file_ext}')}" )
[docs] def _set_label(self, var: str): """Get the label based on the column name(s). Parameters ---------- var: str The variable for which a label is required. """ self.label = self.var_to_label[var] LOGGER.debug(f"[plotting] self.label : {self.label}")
[docs] def toposum(config: dict) -> Dict: """Process plotting and summarisation of data. Parameters ---------- config: dict Dictionary of summarisation options. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary of nested dictionaries. Each variable has its own dictionary with keys 'dist' and 'violin' which contain distribution like plots and violin plots respectively (if the later are required). Each 'dist' and 'violin' is itself a dictionary with two elements 'figures' and 'axes' which correspond to MatplotLib 'fig' and 'ax' for that plot. """ if "df" not in config.keys(): config["df"] = pd.read_csv(config["csv_file"]) if config["df"].isna().values.all():"[plotting] No statistics in DataFrame. Exiting...") return None violin = config.pop("violin") all_stats_to_sum = config.pop("stats_to_sum") pickle_plots = config.pop("pickle_plots") figures = defaultdict() # Plot each variable on its own graph for var in all_stats_to_sum: if var in config["df"].columns: topo_sum = TopoSum(stat_to_sum=var, **config) figures[var] = {"dist": None, "violin": None} figures[var]["dist"] = defaultdict() result_option: Optional[Tuple] = topo_sum.sns_plot() # Handle the Optional[Tuple] if result_option is not None: figures[var]["dist"]["figure"], figures[var]["dist"]["axes"] = result_option if violin: figures[var]["violin"] = defaultdict() ( figures[var]["violin"]["figure"], figures[var]["violin"]["axes"], ) = topo_sum.sns_violinplot() else:"[plotting] Statistic is not in dataframe : {var}") if pickle_plots: outfile = Path(config["output_dir"]) / "distribution_plots.pkl" save_pkl(outfile=outfile, to_pkl=figures)"[plotting] Images pickled to : {outfile}") return figures
[docs] def run_toposum(args=None): """Run Plotting""" if args.config_file is not None: config = read_yaml(args.config_file)"[plotting] Configuration file loaded from : {args.config_file}") else: summary_yaml = pkg_resources.open_text(__package__, "summary_config.yaml") config = yaml.safe_load("[plotting] Default configuration file loaded.") config = update_config(config, args) if args.var_to_label is not None: config["var_to_label"] = read_yaml(args.var_to_label)"[plotting] Variable to labels mapping loaded from : {args.var_to_label}") else: plotting_yaml = pkg_resources.open_text(__package__, "var_to_label.yaml") config["var_to_label"] = yaml.safe_load("[plotting] Default variable to labels mapping loaded.") if args.csv_file is not None: config["csv_file"] = args.csv_file # Write sample configuration if asked to do so and exit if args.create_config_file: write_yaml( config, output_dir="./", config_file=args.create_config_file, header_message="Sample configuration file auto-generated", )"A sample configuration has been written to : ./{args.create_config_file}") "Please refer to the documentation on how to use the configuration file : \n\n" "\n" "" ) sys.exit() if args.create_label_file: write_yaml( config["var_to_label"], output_dir="./", config_file=args.create_label_file, header_message="Sample label file auto-generated", )"A sample label file has been written to : ./{args.create_label_file}") "Please refer to the documentation on how to use the configuration file : \n\n" "\n" "" ) sys.exit() # Plot statistics toposum(config)