Source code for topostats.processing

"""Functions for procesing data."""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from topostats import __version__
from topostats.filters import Filters
from topostats.grains import Grains
from topostats.grainstats import GrainStats
from import get_out_path, save_array, save_topostats_file
from topostats.logs.logs import setup_logger, LOGGER_NAME
from topostats.plottingfuncs import Images, add_pixel_to_nm_to_plotting_config
from topostats.tracing.dnatracing import trace_image
from topostats.utils import create_empty_dataframe
from topostats.statistics import image_statistics

# pylint: disable=broad-except
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-dict-index-lookup

LOGGER = setup_logger(LOGGER_NAME)

[docs] def run_filters( unprocessed_image: np.ndarray, pixel_to_nm_scaling: float, filename: str, filter_out_path: Path, core_out_path: Path, filter_config: dict, plotting_config: dict, ) -> np.ndarray: """Filter and flatten an image. Optionally plots the results, returning the flattened image. Parameters ---------- unprocessed_image: np.ndarray Image to be flattened pixel_to_nm_scaling: float Scaling factor for converting pixel length scales to nanometres. ie the number of pixels per nanometre. filename: str File name for the image filter_out_path: Path Output directory for step-by-step flattening plots. core_out_path: Path General output directory for outputs such as the flattened image. filter_config: dict Dictionary of configuration for the Filters class to use when initialised. plotting_config: dict Dictionary of configuration for plotting output images. Returns ------- Union[np.ndarray, None] Either a numpy array of the flattened image, or None if an error occurs or flattening is disabled in the configuration. """ if filter_config["run"]: filter_config.pop("run")"[{filename}] Image dimensions: {unprocessed_image.shape}")"[{filename}] : *** Filtering ***") filters = Filters( image=unprocessed_image, filename=filename, pixel_to_nm_scaling=pixel_to_nm_scaling, **filter_config, ) filters.filter_image() # Optionally plot filter stage if plotting_config["run"]: plotting_config.pop("run")"[{filename}] : Plotting Filtering Images") # Generate plots for plot_name, array in filters.images.items(): if plot_name not in ["scan_raw"]: if plot_name == "extracted_channel": array = np.flipud(array.pixels) plotting_config["plot_dict"][plot_name]["output_dir"] = filter_out_path try: Images(array, **plotting_config["plot_dict"][plot_name]).plot_and_save() Images(array, **plotting_config["plot_dict"][plot_name]).plot_histogram_and_save() except AttributeError:"[{filename}] Unable to generate plot : {plot_name}") plotting_config["run"] = True # Always want the 'z_threshed' plot (aka "Height Thresholded") but in the core_out_path plot_name = "z_threshed" plotting_config["plot_dict"][plot_name]["output_dir"] = core_out_path Images( filters.images["gaussian_filtered"], filename=filename, **plotting_config["plot_dict"][plot_name], ).plot_and_save() # Save the z_threshed image (aka "Height_Thresholded") numpy array save_array( array=filters.images["gaussian_filtered"], outpath=core_out_path, filename=filename, array_type="height_thresholded", ) return filters.images["gaussian_filtered"] # Otherwise, return None and warn that initial processing is disabled. LOGGER.error( "You have not included running the initial filter stage. This is required for all subsequent " "stages of processing. Please check your configuration file." ) return None
[docs] def run_grains( # noqa: C901 image: np.ndarray, pixel_to_nm_scaling: float, filename: str, grain_out_path: Path, core_out_path: Path, plotting_config: dict, grains_config: dict, ): """Find grains within an image. Identifies grains (molecules) and optionally plots the results. Parameters ---------- image: np.ndarray 2d numpy array image to find grains in pixel_to_nm_scaling: float Scaling factor for converting pixel length scales to nanometres. ie the number of pixels per nanometre. grain_out_path: Output path for step-by-step grain finding plots core_out_path: General output directory for outputs such as the flattened image with grain masks overlaid. plotting_config: Dictionary of configuration for plotting images. grains_config: Dictionary of configuration for the Grains class to use when initialised. Returns ------- Union[dict, None] Either None in the case of error or grain finding being disabled or a dictionary with keys of "above" and or "below" containing binary masks depicting where grains have been detected. """ if grains_config["run"]: grains_config.pop("run") try:"[{filename}] : *** Grain Finding ***") grains = Grains( image=image, filename=filename, pixel_to_nm_scaling=pixel_to_nm_scaling, **grains_config, ) grains.find_grains() for direction, _ in grains.region_properties.items(): f"[{filename}] : Grains found for direction {direction} : {len(grains.region_properties[direction])}" ) if len(grains.region_properties[direction]) == 0: LOGGER.warning(f"[{filename}] : No grains found for direction {direction}") except Exception as e: LOGGER.error(f"[{filename}] : An error occured during grain finding, skipping grainstats and dnatracing.") LOGGER.error(f"[{filename}] : The error: {e}") else: for direction, region_props in grains.region_properties.items(): if len(region_props) == 0: LOGGER.warning(f"[{filename}] : No grains found for the {direction} direction.") # Optionally plot grain finding stage if we have found grains and plotting is required if plotting_config["run"]: plotting_config.pop("run")"[{filename}] : Plotting Grain Finding Images") for direction, image_arrays in grains.directions.items():"[{filename}] : Plotting {direction} Grain Finding Images") for plot_name, array in image_arrays.items():"[{filename}] : Plotting {plot_name} image") plotting_config["plot_dict"][plot_name]["output_dir"] = grain_out_path / f"{direction}" Images(array, **plotting_config["plot_dict"][plot_name]).plot_and_save() # Make a plot of coloured regions with bounding boxes plotting_config["plot_dict"]["bounding_boxes"]["output_dir"] = grain_out_path / f"{direction}" Images( grains.directions[direction]["coloured_regions"], **plotting_config["plot_dict"]["bounding_boxes"], region_properties=grains.region_properties[direction], ).plot_and_save() plotting_config["plot_dict"]["coloured_boxes"]["output_dir"] = grain_out_path / f"{direction}" Images( grains.directions[direction]["labelled_regions_02"], **plotting_config["plot_dict"]["coloured_boxes"], region_properties=grains.region_properties[direction], ).plot_and_save() # Always want mask_overlay (aka "Height Thresholded with Mask") but in core_out_path plot_name = "mask_overlay" plotting_config["plot_dict"][plot_name]["output_dir"] = core_out_path Images( image, filename=f"{filename}_{direction}_masked", masked_array=grains.directions[direction]["removed_small_objects"], **plotting_config["plot_dict"][plot_name], ).plot_and_save() plotting_config["run"] = True else: # Otherwise, return None and warn that plotting is disabled for grain finding images"[{filename}] : Plotting disabled for Grain Finding Images") grain_masks = {} for direction in grains.directions: grain_masks[direction] = grains.directions[direction]["labelled_regions_02"] return grain_masks # Otherwise, return None and warn grainstats is disabled"[{filename}] Detection of grains disabled, returning empty data frame.") return None
[docs] def run_grainstats( image: np.ndarray, pixel_to_nm_scaling: float, grain_masks: dict, filename: str, grainstats_config: dict, plotting_config: dict, grain_out_path: Path, ): """Calculate grain statistics. Calculates grain statistics for an image and optionally plots the results. Parameters ---------- image: np.ndarray 2D numpy array image for grain statistics calculations. pixel_to_nm_scaling: float Scaling factor for converting pixel length scales to nanometres. ie the number of pixels per nanometre. grain_masks: dict Dictionary of grain masks, keys "above" or "below" with values of 2d numpy boolean arrays indicating the pixels that have been masked as grains. filename: str Name of the image. grainstats_config: dict Dictionary of configuration for the GrainStats class to be used when initialised. plotting_config: dict Dictionary of configuration for plotting images. grain_out_path: Directory to save optional grain statistics visual information to. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame containing the statsistics for each grain. The index is the filename and grain number. """ # Calculate statistics if required if grainstats_config["run"]: grainstats_config.pop("run") # Grain Statistics : try:"[{filename}] : *** Grain Statistics ***") grain_plot_dict = { key: value for key, value in plotting_config["plot_dict"].items() if key in ["grain_image", "grain_mask", "grain_mask_image"] } grainstats_dict = {} # There are two layers to process those above the given threshold and those below for direction, _ in grain_masks.items(): # Check if there are grains if np.max(grain_masks[direction]) == 0: LOGGER.warning( f"[{filename}] : No grains exist for the {direction} direction. Skipping grainstats for {direction}." ) grainstats_dict[direction] = create_empty_dataframe() else: grainstats_dict[direction], grains_plot_data = GrainStats( data=image, labelled_data=grain_masks[direction], pixel_to_nanometre_scaling=pixel_to_nm_scaling, direction=direction, base_output_dir=grain_out_path, image_name=filename, plot_opts=grain_plot_dict, **grainstats_config, ).calculate_stats() grainstats_dict[direction]["threshold"] = direction # Plot grains if required if plotting_config["image_set"] == "all":"[{filename}] : Plotting grain images for direction: {direction}.") for plot_data in grains_plot_data: f"[{filename}] : Plotting grain image {plot_data['filename']} for direction: {direction}." ) Images( data=plot_data["data"], output_dir=plot_data["output_dir"], filename=plot_data["filename"], **plotting_config["plot_dict"][plot_data["name"]], ).plot_and_save() # Create results dataframe from above and below results # Appease pylint and ensure that grainstats_df is always created grainstats_df = create_empty_dataframe() if "above" in grainstats_dict and "below" in grainstats_dict: grainstats_df = pd.concat([grainstats_dict["below"], grainstats_dict["above"]]) elif "above" in grainstats_dict: grainstats_df = grainstats_dict["above"] elif "below" in grainstats_dict: grainstats_df = grainstats_dict["below"] else: raise ValueError( "grainstats dictionary has neither 'above' nor 'below' keys. This should be impossible." ) return grainstats_df except Exception: f"[{filename}] : Errors occurred whilst calculating grain statistics. Returning empty dataframe." ) return create_empty_dataframe() else:"[{filename}] : Calculation of grainstats disabled, returning empty dataframe.") return create_empty_dataframe()
[docs] def run_dnatracing( # noqa: C901 image: np.ndarray, grain_masks: dict, pixel_to_nm_scaling: float, image_path: Path, filename: str, core_out_path: Path, grain_out_path: Path, dnatracing_config: dict, plotting_config: dict, results_df: pd.DataFrame = None, ): """Calculate DNA traces. Traces DNA molecules for the supplied grains adding results to statistics data frames and optionally plots results. Parameters ---------- image: np.ndarray Image containing the DNA to pass to the dna tracing function grain_masks: dict Dictionary of grain masks, keys "above" or "below" with values of 2d numpy boolean arrays indicating the pixels that have been masked as grains. pixel_to_nm_scaling: float Scaling factor for converting pixel length scales to nanometres. ie the number of pixels per nanometre. image_path: Path Path to the image file. Used for DataFrame indexing. filename: str Name of the image. core_out_path: Path General output directory for outputs such as the grain statistics DataFrame. grain_out_path: Path Directory to save optional dna tracing visual information to. dna_tracing_config: dict Dictionary configruation for the dna tracing function. plotting_config: dict Dictionary configuration for plotting images. results_df: pd.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame containing grain statistics. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame containing grain statistics and dna tracing statistics. Keys are file path and molecule number. """ # Create empty dataframe is none is passed if results_df is None: results_df = create_empty_dataframe() # Run dnatracing try: if dnatracing_config["run"]: dnatracing_config.pop("run")"[{filename}] : *** DNA Tracing ***") tracing_stats = defaultdict() for direction, _ in grain_masks.items(): tracing_results = trace_image( image=image, grains_mask=grain_masks[direction], filename=filename, pixel_to_nm_scaling=pixel_to_nm_scaling, **dnatracing_config, ) tracing_stats[direction] = tracing_results["statistics"] ordered_traces = tracing_results["ordered_traces"] cropped_images = tracing_results["cropped_images"] image_trace = tracing_results["image_trace"] tracing_stats[direction]["threshold"] = direction # Plot traces for the whole image Images( image, output_dir=core_out_path, filename=f"{filename}_{direction}_traced", masked_array=image_trace, **plotting_config["plot_dict"]["all_molecule_traces"], ).plot_and_save() # Plot traces on each grain individually if plotting_config["image_set"] == "all": for grain_index, (grain_trace, cropped_image) in enumerate(zip(ordered_traces, cropped_images)): grain_trace_mask = np.zeros(cropped_image.shape) # Grain traces can be None if they do not trace successfully. Eg if they are too small. if grain_trace is not None: for coordinate in grain_trace: grain_trace_mask[coordinate[0], coordinate[1]] = 1 Images( cropped_image, output_dir=grain_out_path / direction, filename=f"{filename}_grain_trace_{grain_index}", masked_array=grain_trace_mask, **plotting_config["plot_dict"]["single_molecule_trace"], ).plot_and_save() # Set create tracing_stats_df from above and below results if "above" in tracing_stats and "below" in tracing_stats: tracing_stats_df = pd.concat([tracing_stats["below"], tracing_stats["above"]]) elif "above" in tracing_stats: tracing_stats_df = tracing_stats["above"] elif "below" in tracing_stats: tracing_stats_df = tracing_stats["below"] f"[{filename}] : Combining {list(tracing_stats.keys())} grain statistics and dnatracing statistics" ) # NB - Merge on image, molecule and threshold because we may have above and below molecules which # gives duplicate molecule numbers as they are processed separately, if tracing stats # are not available (because skeleton was too small), grainstats are still retained. results = results_df.merge(tracing_stats_df, on=["image", "threshold", "molecule_number"], how="left") results["basename"] = image_path.parent return results # Otherwise, return the passed in dataframe and warn that tracing is disabled"[{filename}] Calculation of DNA Tracing disabled, returning grainstats data frame.") results = results_df results["basename"] = image_path.parent return results except Exception: # If no results we need a dummy dataframe to return. LOGGER.warning( f"[{filename}] : Errors occurred whilst calculating DNA tracing statistics, " "returning grain statistics" ) results = results_df results["basename"] = image_path.parent return results
[docs] def get_out_paths(image_path: Path, base_dir: Path, output_dir: Path, filename: str, plotting_config: dict): """Determine components of output paths for a given image and plotting config. Parameters ---------- image_path: Path Path of the image being processed base_dir: Path Path of the data folder output_dir: Path Base output directory for output data filename: str Name of the image being processed plotting_config: dict Dictionary of configuration for plotting images. Returns ------- tuple Core output path for general file outputs, filter output path for flattening related files and grain output path for grain finding related files. """"Processing : {filename}") core_out_path = get_out_path(image_path, base_dir, output_dir).parent / "processed" core_out_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) filter_out_path = core_out_path / filename / "filters" grain_out_path = core_out_path / filename / "grains" if plotting_config["image_set"] == "all": filter_out_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) Path.mkdir(grain_out_path / "above", parents=True, exist_ok=True) Path.mkdir(grain_out_path / "below", parents=True, exist_ok=True) return core_out_path, filter_out_path, grain_out_path
[docs] def process_scan( topostats_object: dict, base_dir: str | Path, filter_config: dict, grains_config: dict, grainstats_config: dict, dnatracing_config: dict, plotting_config: dict, output_dir: str | Path = "output", ) -> tuple[dict, pd.DataFrame, dict]: """Process a single image, filtering, finding grains and calculating their statistics. Parameters ---------- img_path_px2nm : Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, Path, float]] A dictionary with keys 'image', 'img_path' and 'px_2_nm' containing a file or frames' image, it's path and it's pixel to namometre scaling value. base_dir : Union[str, Path] Directory to recursively search for files, if not specified the current directory is scanned. filter_config : dict Dictionary of configuration options for running the Filter stage. grains_config : dict Dictionary of configuration options for running the Grain detection stage. grainstats_config : dict Dictionary of configuration options for running the Grain Statistics stage. dnatracing_config : dict Dictionary of configuration options for running the DNA Tracing stage. plotting_config : dict Dictionary of configuration options for plotting figures. output_dir : Union[str, Path] Directory to save output to, it will be created if it does not exist. If it already exists then it is possible that output will be over-written. Returns ------- tuple[dict, pd.DataFrame, dict] TopoStats dictionary object, DataFrame containing grain statistics and dna tracing statistics, and dictionary containing general image statistics """ core_out_path, filter_out_path, grain_out_path = get_out_paths( image_path=topostats_object["img_path"], base_dir=base_dir, output_dir=output_dir, filename=topostats_object["filename"], plotting_config=plotting_config, ) plotting_config = add_pixel_to_nm_to_plotting_config(plotting_config, topostats_object["pixel_to_nm_scaling"]) # Flatten Image image_flattened = run_filters( unprocessed_image=topostats_object["image_original"], pixel_to_nm_scaling=topostats_object["pixel_to_nm_scaling"], filename=topostats_object["filename"], filter_out_path=filter_out_path, core_out_path=core_out_path, filter_config=filter_config, plotting_config=plotting_config, ) # Use flattened image if one is returned, else use original image topostats_object["image_flattened"] = ( image_flattened if image_flattened is not None else topostats_object["image_original"] ) # Find Grains : grain_masks = run_grains( image=topostats_object["image_flattened"], pixel_to_nm_scaling=topostats_object["pixel_to_nm_scaling"], filename=topostats_object["filename"], grain_out_path=grain_out_path, core_out_path=core_out_path, plotting_config=plotting_config, grains_config=grains_config, ) # Update grain masks if new grain masks are returned. Else keep old grain masks. Topostats object's "grain_masks" # defaults to an empty dictionary so this is safe. topostats_object["grain_masks"] = grain_masks if grain_masks is not None else topostats_object["grain_masks"] if "above" in topostats_object["grain_masks"].keys() or "below" in topostats_object["grain_masks"].keys(): # Grainstats : results_df = run_grainstats( image=topostats_object["image_flattened"], pixel_to_nm_scaling=topostats_object["pixel_to_nm_scaling"], grain_masks=topostats_object["grain_masks"], filename=topostats_object["filename"], grainstats_config=grainstats_config, plotting_config=plotting_config, grain_out_path=grain_out_path, ) # DNAtracing results_df = run_dnatracing( image=topostats_object["image_flattened"], pixel_to_nm_scaling=topostats_object["pixel_to_nm_scaling"], grain_masks=topostats_object["grain_masks"], filename=topostats_object["filename"], core_out_path=core_out_path, grain_out_path=grain_out_path, image_path=topostats_object["img_path"], plotting_config=plotting_config, dnatracing_config=dnatracing_config, results_df=results_df, ) else: results_df = create_empty_dataframe() # Get image statistics"[{topostats_object['filename']}] : *** Image Statistics ***") # Provide the raw image if image has not been flattened, else provide the flattened image. if topostats_object["image_flattened"] is not None: image_for_image_stats = topostats_object["image_flattened"] else: image_for_image_stats = topostats_object["image_original"] # Calculate image statistics - returns a dictionary image_stats = image_statistics( image=image_for_image_stats, filename=topostats_object["filename"], results_df=results_df, pixel_to_nm_scaling=topostats_object["pixel_to_nm_scaling"], ) # Save the topostats dictionary object to .topostats file. save_topostats_file( output_dir=core_out_path, filename=str(topostats_object["filename"]), topostats_object=topostats_object ) return topostats_object["img_path"], results_df, image_stats
[docs] def check_run_steps(filter_run: bool, grains_run: bool, grainstats_run: bool, dnatracing_run: bool) -> None: """Check options for running steps (Filter, Grain, Grainstats and DNA tracing) are logically consistent. This checks that earlier steps required are enabled. Parameters ---------- filter_run: bool Flag for running Filtering. grains_run: bool Flag for running Grains. grainstats_run: bool Flag for running GrainStats. dnatracing_run: bool Flag for running DNA Tracing. Returns ------- None """ if dnatracing_run: if grainstats_run is False: LOGGER.error("DNA tracing enabled but Grainstats disabled. Please check your configuration file.") elif grains_run is False: LOGGER.error("DNA tracing enabled but Grains disabled. Please check your configuration file.") elif filter_run is False: LOGGER.error("DNA tracing enabled but Filters disabled. Please check your configuration file.") else:"Configuration run options are consistent, processing can proceed.") elif grainstats_run: if grains_run is False: LOGGER.error("Grainstats enabled but Grains disabled. Please check your configuration file.") elif filter_run is False: LOGGER.error("Grainstats enabled but Filters disabled. Please check your configuration file.") else:"Configuration run options are consistent, processing can proceed.") elif grains_run: if filter_run is False: LOGGER.error("Grains enabled but Filters disabled. Please check your configuration file.") else:"Configuration run options are consistent, processing can proceed.") else:"Configuration run options are consistent, processing can proceed.")
[docs] def completion_message(config: dict, img_files: list, summary_config: dict, images_processed: int) -> None: """Print a completion message summarising images processed. Parameters ---------- config: dict Configuration dictionary. img_files: list() List of found image paths. summary_config: dict( Configuration for plotting summary statistics. images_processed: int Pandas DataFrame of results. Results ------- None """ if summary_config is not None: distribution_plots_message = str(summary_config["output_dir"]) else: distribution_plots_message = "Disabled. Enable in config 'summary_stats/run' if needed." f"\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMPLETE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n" f" TopoStats Version : {__version__}\n" f" Base Directory : {config['base_dir']}\n" f" File Extension : {config['file_ext']}\n" f" Files Found : {len(img_files)}\n" f" Successfully Processed^1 : {images_processed} ({(images_processed * 100) / len(img_files)}%)\n" f" Configuration : {config['output_dir']}/config.yaml\n" f" All statistics : {str(config['output_dir'])}/all_statistics.csv\n" f" Distribution Plots : {distribution_plots_message}\n\n" f" Email :\n" f" Documentation :\n" f" Source Code :\n" f" Bug Reports/Feature Request :\n" f" Citation File Format :\n\n" f" ^1 Successful processing of an image is detection of grains and calculation of at least\n" f" grain statistics. If these have been disabled the percentage will be 0.\n\n" f" If you encounter bugs/issues or have feature requests please report them at the above URL\n" f" or email us.\n\n" f" If you have found TopoStats useful please consider citing it. A Citation File Format is\n" f" linked above and available from the Source Code page.\n" f"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n" )