Source code for topostats.run_topostats

"""Run TopoStats.

This provides an entry point for running TopoStats as a command line programme.
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
import importlib.resources as pkg_resources
import logging
from multiprocessing import Pool
from pprint import pformat
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import yaml

import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

from import (

from topostats.logs.logs import LOGGER_NAME
from topostats.plotting import toposum
from topostats.processing import check_run_steps, completion_message, process_scan
from topostats.utils import update_config, update_plotting_config
from topostats.validation import validate_config, DEFAULT_CONFIG_SCHEMA, PLOTTING_SCHEMA, SUMMARY_SCHEMA

# We already setup the logger in and it is idempotent so calling it here returns the same object as from
# Ref :
# LOGGER = setup_logger(LOGGER_NAME)
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)

# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-dict-index-lookup
# pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks

[docs] def run_topostats(args=None): # noqa: C901 """Find and process all files.""" # Parse command line options, load config (or default) and update with command line options if args.config_file is not None: config = read_yaml(args.config_file) else: default_config = pkg_resources.open_text(__package__, "default_config.yaml").read() config = yaml.safe_load(default_config) # Override the config with command line arguments passed in, eg --output_dir ./output/ config = update_config(config, args) # Set logging level if config["log_level"] == "warning": LOGGER.setLevel("WARNING") elif config["log_level"] == "error": LOGGER.setLevel("ERROR") elif config["log_level"] == "debug": LOGGER.setLevel("DEBUG") else: LOGGER.setLevel("INFO") # Validate configuration validate_config(config, schema=DEFAULT_CONFIG_SCHEMA, config_type="YAML configuration file") # Write sample configuration if asked to do so and exit if args.create_config_file and args.config_file: raise ValueError("--create-config-file and --config cannot be used together.") if args.create_config_file: write_config_with_comments(config=default_config, output_dir=Path.cwd(), filename=args.create_config_file) sys.exit() # Create base output directory config["output_dir"].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Load plotting_dictionary and validate plotting_dictionary = pkg_resources.open_text(__package__, "plotting_dictionary.yaml") config["plotting"]["plot_dict"] = yaml.safe_load( validate_config( config["plotting"]["plot_dict"], schema=PLOTTING_SCHEMA, config_type="YAML plotting configuration file" ) # Check earlier stages of processing are enabled for later. check_run_steps( filter_run=config["filter"]["run"], grains_run=config["grains"]["run"], grainstats_run=config["grainstats"]["run"], dnatracing_run=config["dnatracing"]["run"], ) # Update the config["plotting"]["plot_dict"] with plotting options config["plotting"] = update_plotting_config(config["plotting"])"Configuration file loaded from : {args.config_file}")"Scanning for images in : {config['base_dir']}")"Output directory : {str(config['output_dir'])}")"Looking for images with extension : {config['file_ext']}") img_files = find_files(config["base_dir"], file_ext=config["file_ext"])"Images with extension {config['file_ext']} in {config['base_dir']} : {len(img_files)}") if len(img_files) == 0: LOGGER.error(f"No images with extension {config['file_ext']} in {config['base_dir']}") LOGGER.error("Please check your configuration and directories.") sys.exit()'Thresholding method (Filtering) : {config["filter"]["threshold_method"]}')'Thresholding method (Grains) : {config["grains"]["threshold_method"]}') LOGGER.debug(f"Configuration after update : \n{pformat(config, indent=4)}") # noqa : T203 processing_function = partial( process_scan, base_dir=config["base_dir"], filter_config=config["filter"], grains_config=config["grains"], grainstats_config=config["grainstats"], dnatracing_config=config["dnatracing"], plotting_config=config["plotting"], output_dir=config["output_dir"], ) all_scan_data = LoadScans(img_files, **config["loading"]) all_scan_data.get_data() # Get a dictionary of all the image data dictionaries. # Keys are the image names # Values are the individual image data dictionaries scan_data_dict = all_scan_data.img_dict with Pool(processes=config["cores"]) as pool: results = defaultdict() image_stats_all = defaultdict() with tqdm( total=len(img_files), desc=f"Processing images from {config['base_dir']}, results are under {config['output_dir']}", ) as pbar: for img, result, individual_image_stats_df in pool.imap_unordered( processing_function, scan_data_dict.values(), ): results[str(img)] = result pbar.update() # Add the dataframe to the results dict image_stats_all[str(img)] = individual_image_stats_df # Display completion message for the image"[{}] Processing completed.")"Saving image stats to : {config['output_dir']}/image_stats.csv.") # Concatenate all the dictionary's values into a dataframe. Ignore the keys since # the dataframes have the file names in them already. image_stats_all_df = pd.concat(image_stats_all.values()) image_stats_all_df.to_csv(config["output_dir"] / "image_stats.csv") try: results = pd.concat(results.values()) except ValueError as error: LOGGER.error("No grains found in any images, consider adjusting your thresholds.") LOGGER.error(error) # Summary Statistics and Plots if config["summary_stats"]["run"]: # Load summary plots/statistics configuration and validate, location depends on command line args or value in # any config file given, if neither are provided the default topostats/summary_config.yaml is loaded if args.summary_config is not None: summary_config = read_yaml(args.summary_config) elif config["summary_stats"]["config"] is not None: summary_config = read_yaml(config["summary_stats"]["config"]) else: summary_yaml = pkg_resources.open_text(__package__, "summary_config.yaml") summary_config = yaml.safe_load( # Do not pass command line arguments to toposum as they clash with process command line arguments summary_config = update_config(summary_config, {}) validate_config(summary_config, SUMMARY_SCHEMA, config_type="YAML summarisation config") # We never want to load data from CSV as we are using the data that has just been processed. summary_config.pop("csv_file") # Load variable to label mapping plotting_yaml = pkg_resources.open_text(__package__, "var_to_label.yaml") summary_config["var_to_label"] = yaml.safe_load("[plotting] Default variable to labels mapping loaded.") # If we don't have a dataframe or we do and it is all NaN there is nothing to plot if isinstance(results, pd.DataFrame) and not results.isna().values.all(): if results.shape[0] > 1: # If summary_config["output_dir"] does not match or is not a sub-dir of config["output_dir"] it # needs creating summary_config["output_dir"] = config["output_dir"] / "summary_distributions" summary_config["output_dir"].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)"Summary plots and statistics will be saved to : {summary_config['output_dir']}") # Plot summaries summary_config["df"] = results.reset_index() toposum(summary_config) else: LOGGER.warning( "There are fewer than two grains that have been detected, so" " summary plots cannot be made for this image." ) else: LOGGER.warning( "There are no results to plot, either...\n\n" "* you have disabled grains/grainstats/dnatracing.\n" "* no grains have been detected across all scans.\n" "* there have been errors.\n\n" "If you are not expecting to detect grains please consider disabling" "grains/grainstats/dnatracing/plotting/summary_stats. If you are expecting to detect grains" " please check log-files for further information." ) else: summary_config = None # Write statistics to CSV if there is data. if isinstance(results, pd.DataFrame) and not results.isna().values.all(): results.reset_index(inplace=True) results.set_index(["image", "threshold", "molecule_number"], inplace=True) results.to_csv(config["output_dir"] / "all_statistics.csv", index=True) save_folder_grainstats(config["output_dir"], config["base_dir"], results) results.reset_index(inplace=True) # So we can access unique image names images_processed = len(results["image"].unique()) else: images_processed = 0 LOGGER.warning("There are no grainstats or dnatracing statistics to write to CSV.") # Write config to file config["plotting"].pop("plot_dict") write_yaml(config, output_dir=config["output_dir"]) LOGGER.debug(f"Images processed : {images_processed}") completion_message(config, img_files, summary_config, images_processed)