Source code for topostats.run_topostats

Run TopoStats.

This provides an entry point for running TopoStats as a command line programme.

import logging
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from importlib import resources
from multiprocessing import Pool
from pprint import pformat

import pandas as pd
import yaml
from tqdm import tqdm

from import (
from topostats.logs.logs import LOGGER_NAME
from topostats.plotting import toposum
from topostats.processing import check_run_steps, completion_message, process_scan
from topostats.utils import update_config, update_plotting_config
from topostats.validation import DEFAULT_CONFIG_SCHEMA, PLOTTING_SCHEMA, SUMMARY_SCHEMA, validate_config

# We already setup the logger in and it is idempotent so calling it here returns the same object as from
# Ref :
# LOGGER = setup_logger(LOGGER_NAME)
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)

# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-dict-index-lookup
# pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks

[docs] def run_topostats(args: None = None) -> None: # noqa: C901 """ Find and process all files. Parameters ---------- args : None Arguments. """ # Parse command line options, load config (or default) and update with command line options if args.config_file is not None: config = read_yaml(args.config_file) else: default_config = (resources.files(__package__) / "default_config.yaml").read_text() config = yaml.safe_load(default_config) # Override the config with command line arguments passed in, eg --output_dir ./output/ config = update_config(config, args) # Set logging level if config["log_level"] == "warning": LOGGER.setLevel("WARNING") elif config["log_level"] == "error": LOGGER.setLevel("ERROR") elif config["log_level"] == "debug": LOGGER.setLevel("DEBUG") else: LOGGER.setLevel("INFO") # Validate configuration validate_config(config, schema=DEFAULT_CONFIG_SCHEMA, config_type="YAML configuration file") # Create base output directory config["output_dir"].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Load plotting_dictionary and validate then update with command line options plotting_dictionary = (resources.files(__package__) / "plotting_dictionary.yaml").read_text() config["plotting"]["plot_dict"] = yaml.safe_load(plotting_dictionary) validate_config( config["plotting"]["plot_dict"], schema=PLOTTING_SCHEMA, config_type="YAML plotting configuration file" ) config["plotting"] = update_config(config["plotting"], args) # Check earlier stages of processing are enabled for later. check_run_steps( filter_run=config["filter"]["run"], grains_run=config["grains"]["run"], grainstats_run=config["grainstats"]["run"], dnatracing_run=config["dnatracing"]["run"], ) # Ensures each image has all plotting options which are passed as **kwargs config["plotting"] = update_plotting_config(config["plotting"]) LOGGER.debug(f"Plotting configuration after update :\n{pformat(config['plotting'], indent=4)}")"Configuration file loaded from : {args.config_file}")"Scanning for images in : {config['base_dir']}")"Output directory : {str(config['output_dir'])}")"Looking for images with extension : {config['file_ext']}") img_files = find_files(config["base_dir"], file_ext=config["file_ext"])"Images with extension {config['file_ext']} in {config['base_dir']} : {len(img_files)}") if len(img_files) == 0: LOGGER.error(f"No images with extension {config['file_ext']} in {config['base_dir']}") LOGGER.error("Please check your configuration and directories.") sys.exit()"Thresholding method (Filtering) : {config['filter']['threshold_method']}")"Thresholding method (Grains) : {config['grains']['threshold_method']}") LOGGER.debug(f"Configuration after update : \n{pformat(config, indent=4)}") # noqa : T203 processing_function = partial( process_scan, base_dir=config["base_dir"], filter_config=config["filter"], grains_config=config["grains"], grainstats_config=config["grainstats"], dnatracing_config=config["dnatracing"], plotting_config=config["plotting"], output_dir=config["output_dir"], ) all_scan_data = LoadScans(img_files, **config["loading"]) all_scan_data.get_data() # Get a dictionary of all the image data dictionaries. # Keys are the image names # Values are the individual image data dictionaries scan_data_dict = all_scan_data.img_dict with Pool(processes=config["cores"]) as pool: results = defaultdict() image_stats_all = defaultdict() with tqdm( total=len(img_files), desc=f"Processing images from {config['base_dir']}, results are under {config['output_dir']}", ) as pbar: for img, result, individual_image_stats_df in pool.imap_unordered( processing_function, scan_data_dict.values(), ): results[str(img)] = result pbar.update() # Add the dataframe to the results dict image_stats_all[str(img)] = individual_image_stats_df # Display completion message for the image"[{}] Processing completed.")"Saving image stats to : {config['output_dir']}/image_stats.csv.") # Concatenate all the dictionary's values into a dataframe. Ignore the keys since # the dataframes have the file names in them already. image_stats_all_df = pd.concat(image_stats_all.values()) image_stats_all_df.to_csv(config["output_dir"] / "image_stats.csv") try: results = pd.concat(results.values()) except ValueError as error: LOGGER.error("No grains found in any images, consider adjusting your thresholds.") LOGGER.error(error) # Summary Statistics and Plots if config["summary_stats"]["run"]: # Load summary plots/statistics configuration and validate, location depends on command line args or value in # any config file given, if neither are provided the default topostats/summary_config.yaml is loaded if args.summary_config is not None: summary_config = read_yaml(args.summary_config) elif config["summary_stats"]["config"] is not None: summary_config = read_yaml(config["summary_stats"]["config"]) else: summary_yaml = (resources.files(__package__) / "summary_config.yaml").read_text() summary_config = yaml.safe_load(summary_yaml) # Do not pass command line arguments to toposum as they clash with process command line arguments summary_config = update_config(summary_config, config["plotting"]) validate_config(summary_config, SUMMARY_SCHEMA, config_type="YAML summarisation config") # We never want to load data from CSV as we are using the data that has just been processed. summary_config.pop("csv_file") # Load variable to label mapping plotting_yaml = (resources.files(__package__) / "var_to_label.yaml").read_text() summary_config["var_to_label"] = yaml.safe_load(plotting_yaml)"[plotting] Default variable to labels mapping loaded.") # If we don't have a dataframe or we do and it is all NaN there is nothing to plot if isinstance(results, pd.DataFrame) and not results.isna().values.all(): if results.shape[0] > 1: # If summary_config["output_dir"] does not match or is not a sub-dir of config["output_dir"] it # needs creating summary_config["output_dir"] = config["output_dir"] / "summary_distributions" summary_config["output_dir"].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)"Summary plots and statistics will be saved to : {summary_config['output_dir']}") # Plot summaries summary_config["df"] = results.reset_index() toposum(summary_config) else: LOGGER.warning( "There are fewer than two grains that have been detected, so" " summary plots cannot be made for this image." ) else: LOGGER.warning( "There are no results to plot, either...\n\n" "* you have disabled grains/grainstats/dnatracing.\n" "* no grains have been detected across all scans.\n" "* there have been errors.\n\n" "If you are not expecting to detect grains please consider disabling" "grains/grainstats/dnatracing/plotting/summary_stats. If you are expecting to detect grains" " please check log-files for further information." ) else: summary_config = None # Write statistics to CSV if there is data. if isinstance(results, pd.DataFrame) and not results.isna().values.all(): results.reset_index(inplace=True) results.set_index(["image", "threshold", "molecule_number"], inplace=True) results.to_csv(config["output_dir"] / "all_statistics.csv", index=True) save_folder_grainstats(config["output_dir"], config["base_dir"], results) results.reset_index(inplace=True) # So we can access unique image names images_processed = len(results["image"].unique()) else: images_processed = 0 LOGGER.warning("There are no grainstats or dnatracing statistics to write to CSV.") # Write config to file config["plotting"].pop("plot_dict") write_yaml(config, output_dir=config["output_dir"]) LOGGER.debug(f"Images processed : {images_processed}") # Update config with plotting defaults for printing completion_message(config, img_files, summary_config, images_processed)