"""Contains filter functions that take a 2D array representing an image as an input, as well as necessary parameters,
and return a 2D array of the same size representing the filtered image."""
import logging
# noqa: disable=no-name-in-module
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from skimage.filters import gaussian
import numpy as np
from topostats.logs.logs import LOGGER_NAME
from topostats.utils import get_thresholds, get_mask
from topostats import scars
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)
# noqa: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# noqa: disable=too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=fixme
# pylint: disable=broad-except
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
class Filters:
"""Class for filtering scans."""
def __init__(
image: np.ndarray,
filename: str,
pixel_to_nm_scaling: float,
row_alignment_quantile: float = 0.5,
threshold_method: str = "otsu",
otsu_threshold_multiplier: float = 1.7,
threshold_std_dev: dict = None,
threshold_absolute: dict = None,
gaussian_size: float = None,
gaussian_mode: str = "nearest",
remove_scars: dict = None,
"""Initialise the class.
image: np.ndarray
The raw image from the AFM.
filename: str
The filename (used for logging outputs only).
pixel_to_nm_scaling: float
Value for converting pixels to nanometers.
row_alignment_quantile: float
Quantile (0.0 to 1.0) to be used to determine the average background for the image.
below values may improve flattening of large features.
threshold_method: str
Method for thresholding, default 'otsu', valid options 'otsu', 'std_dev' and 'absolute'.
otsu_threshold_multiplier: float
Value for scaling the derived Otsu threshold (optional).
threshold_std_dev: dict
If using the 'std_dev' threshold method. Dictionary that contains above and below
threshold values for the number of standard deviations from the mean to threshold.
threshold_absolute: dict
If using the 'absolute' threshold method. Dictionary that contains above and below
absolute threshold values for flattening.
remove_scars: dict
Dictionary containing configuration parameters for the scar removal function.
self.filename = filename
self.pixel_to_nm_scaling = pixel_to_nm_scaling
self.gaussian_size = gaussian_size
self.gaussian_mode = gaussian_mode
self.row_alignment_quantile = row_alignment_quantile
self.threshold_method = threshold_method
self.otsu_threshold_multiplier = otsu_threshold_multiplier
self.threshold_std_dev = threshold_std_dev
self.threshold_absolute = threshold_absolute
self.remove_scars_config = remove_scars
self.images = {
"pixels": image,
"initial_median_flatten": None,
"initial_tilt_removal": None,
"initial_quadratic_removal": None,
"initial_scar_removal": None,
"masked_median_flatten": None,
"masked_tilt_removal": None,
"masked_quadratic_removal": None,
"secondary_scar_removal": None,
"scar_mask": None,
"mask": None,
"zero_average_background": None,
"gaussian_filtered": None,
self.thresholds = None
self.medians = {"rows": None, "cols": None}
self.results = {
"diff": None,
"median_row_height": None,
"x_gradient": None,
"y_gradient": None,
"threshold": None,
def remove_tilt(self, image: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray = None):
Removes planar tilt from an image (linear in 2D space). It uses a linear fit of the medians
of the rows and columns to determine the linear slants in x and y directions and then subtracts
the fit from the columns.
image: np.ndarray
2-D image of the data to remove the planar tilt from.
mask: np.ndarray
Boolean array of points to mask out (ignore).
img_name: str
Name of the image (to be able to print information in the console).
Returns a copy of the input image with the planar tilt removed
image = image.copy()
if mask is not None:
read_matrix = np.ma.masked_array(image, mask=mask, fill_value=np.nan).filled()
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : Plane tilt removal with mask")
read_matrix = image
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : Plane tilt removal without mask")
# Line of best fit
# Calculate medians
medians_x = [np.nanmedian(read_matrix[:, i]) for i in range(read_matrix.shape[1])]
medians_y = [np.nanmedian(read_matrix[j, :]) for j in range(read_matrix.shape[0])]
LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] [remove_tilt] medians_x : {medians_x}")
LOGGER.debug(f"[{self.filename}] [remove_tilt] medians_y : {medians_y}")
# Fit linear x
px = np.polyfit(range(0, len(medians_x)), medians_x, 1)
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : x-polyfit 1st order: {px}")
py = np.polyfit(range(0, len(medians_y)), medians_y, 1)
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : y-polyfit 1st order: {py}")
if px[0] != 0:
if not np.isnan(px[0]):
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : Removing x plane tilt")
for row in range(0, image.shape[0]):
for col in range(0, image.shape[1]):
image[row, col] -= px[0] * (col)
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : x gradient is nan, skipping plane tilt x removal")
LOGGER.info("[{self.filename}] : x gradient is zero, skipping plane tilt x removal")
if py[0] != 0:
if not np.isnan(py[0]):
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : removing y plane tilt")
for row in range(0, image.shape[0]):
for col in range(0, image.shape[1]):
image[row, col] -= py[0] * (row)
LOGGER.info("[{self.filename}] : y gradient is nan, skipping plane tilt y removal")
LOGGER.info("[{self.filename}] : y gradient is zero, skipping plane tilt y removal")
return image
def remove_quadratic(self, image: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray = None):
Removes the quadratic bowing that can be seen in some large-scale AFM images. It uses a simple quadratic fit
on the medians of the columns of the image and then subtracts the calculated quadratic from the columns.
image: np.ndarray
2-D image of the data to remove the quadratic from.
mask: np.ndarray
Boolean array of points to mask out (ignore).
Returns a copy of the input image with the quadratic bowing removed
image = image.copy()
if mask is not None:
read_matrix = np.ma.masked_array(image, mask=mask, fill_value=np.nan).filled()
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : Remove quadratic bow with mask")
read_matrix = image
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : Remove quadratic bow without mask")
# Calculate medians
medians_x = [np.nanmedian(read_matrix[:, i]) for i in range(read_matrix.shape[1])]
# Fit quadratic x
px = np.polyfit(range(0, len(medians_x)), medians_x, 2)
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : x polyfit 2nd order: {px}")
# Handle divide by zero
if px[0] != 0:
if not np.isnan(px[0]):
# Remove quadratic in x
cx = -px[1] / (2 * px[0])
for row in range(0, image.shape[0]):
for col in range(0, image.shape[1]):
image[row, col] -= px[0] * (col - cx) ** 2
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : Quadratic polyfit returns nan, skipping quadratic removal")
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : Quadratic polyfit returns zero, skipping quadratic removal")
return image
def calc_diff(array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate the difference of an array."""
return array[-1] - array[0]
def calc_gradient(self, array: np.ndarray, shape: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate the gradient of an array."""
return self.calc_diff(array) / shape
def average_background(self, image: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Zero the background by subtracting the non-masked mean from all pixels.
image: np.array
Numpy array representing image.
mask: np.array
Mask of the array, should have the same dimensions as image.
Numpy array of image zero averaged.
if mask is None:
mask = np.zeros_like(image)
mean = np.mean(image[mask == 0])
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : Zero averaging background : {mean} nm")
return image - mean
def gaussian_filter(self, image: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.array:
"""Apply Gaussian filter to an image.
image: np.array
Numpy array representing image.
Numpy array of gaussian blurred image.
f"[{self.filename}] : Applying Gaussian filter (mode : {self.gaussian_mode};"
f" Gaussian blur (px) : {self.gaussian_size})."
return gaussian(
def filter_image(self) -> None:
"""Process a single image, filtering, finding grains and calculating their statistics.
from topostats.io import LoadScan
from topostats.topotracing import Filter, process_scan
filter = Filter(image=load_scan.image,
... pixel_to_nm_scaling=load_scan.pixel_to_nm_scaling,
... filename=load_scan.filename,
... threshold_method='otsu')
self.images["initial_median_flatten"] = self.median_flatten(
self.images["pixels"], mask=None, row_alignment_quantile=self.row_alignment_quantile
self.images["initial_tilt_removal"] = self.remove_tilt(self.images["initial_median_flatten"], mask=None)
self.images["initial_quadratic_removal"] = self.remove_quadratic(self.images["initial_tilt_removal"], mask=None)
# Remove scars
run_scar_removal = self.remove_scars_config.pop("run")
if run_scar_removal:
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : Initial scar removal")
self.images["initial_scar_removal"], _scar_mask = scars.remove_scars(
self.images["initial_quadratic_removal"], filename=self.filename, **self.remove_scars_config
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : Skipping scar removal as requested from config")
self.images["initial_scar_removal"] = self.images["initial_quadratic_removal"]
# Get the thresholds
self.thresholds = get_thresholds(
except TypeError as type_error:
raise type_error
self.images["mask"] = get_mask(
image=self.images["initial_scar_removal"], thresholds=self.thresholds, img_name=self.filename
self.images["masked_median_flatten"] = self.median_flatten(
self.images["initial_tilt_removal"], self.images["mask"], row_alignment_quantile=self.row_alignment_quantile
self.images["masked_tilt_removal"] = self.remove_tilt(self.images["masked_median_flatten"], self.images["mask"])
self.images["masked_quadratic_removal"] = self.remove_quadratic(
self.images["masked_tilt_removal"], self.images["mask"]
# Remove scars
if run_scar_removal:
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : Secondary scar removal")
self.images["secondary_scar_removal"], scar_mask = scars.remove_scars(
self.images["masked_quadratic_removal"], filename=self.filename, **self.remove_scars_config
self.images["scar_mask"] = scar_mask
LOGGER.info(f"[{self.filename}] : Skipping scar removal as requested from config")
self.images["secondary_scar_removal"] = self.images["masked_quadratic_removal"]
self.images["zero_average_background"] = self.average_background(
self.images["secondary_scar_removal"], self.images["mask"]
self.images["gaussian_filtered"] = self.gaussian_filter(self.images["zero_average_background"])