import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
class getSkeleton:
"""Skeltonisation algorithm based on the paper "A Fast Parallel Algorithm for
Thinning Digital Patterns" by Zhang et al., 1984"""
def __init__(self, image_data, binary_map, number_of_columns, number_of_rows, pixel_size):
self.image_data = image_data
self.binary_map = binary_map
self.number_of_columns = number_of_columns
self.number_of_rows = number_of_rows
self.pixel_size = pixel_size
self.p2 = 0
self.p3 = 0
self.p4 = 0
self.p5 = 0
self.p6 = 0
self.p7 = 0
self.p8 = 0
# skeletonising variables
self.mask_being_skeletonised = []
self.output_skeleton = []
self.skeleton_converged = False
self.pruning = True
# Height checking variables
self.average_height = 0
# self.cropping_dict = self._initialiseHeightFindingDict()
self.highest_points = {}
self.search_window = int(3 / (pixel_size * 1e9))
# Check that the search window is bigger than 0:
if self.search_window < 2:
self.search_window = 3
self.dir_search = int(0.75 / (pixel_size * 1e9))
if self.dir_search < 3:
self.dir_search = 3
def getDNAmolHeightStats(self):
# Why are axes swapped here?
self.image_data = np.swapaxes(self.image_data, 0, 1)
# This doesn't appear to be used within this class and its not used anywhere in either.
self.average_height = np.average(self.image_data[np.argwhere(self.binary_map == 1)])
# print(self.average_height)
def doSkeletonising(self):
"""Simple while loop to check if the skeletonising is finished"""
self.mask_being_skeletonised = self.binary_map
while not self.skeleton_converged:
# When skeleton converged do an additional iteration of thinning to remove hanging points
self.pruning = True
while self.pruning:
self.output_skeleton = np.argwhere(self.mask_being_skeletonised == 1)
def _doSkeletonisingIteration(self):
"""Do an iteration of skeletonisation - check for the local binary pixel
environment and assess the local height values to decide whether to
delete a point
number_of_deleted_points = 0
pixels_to_delete = []
# Sub-iteration 1 - binary check
mask_coordinates = np.argwhere(self.mask_being_skeletonised == 1).tolist()
for point in mask_coordinates:
if self._deletePixelSubit1(point):
# Check the local height values to determine if pixels should be deleted
# pixels_to_delete = self._checkHeights(pixels_to_delete)
for x, y in pixels_to_delete:
number_of_deleted_points += 1
self.mask_being_skeletonised[x, y] = 0
pixels_to_delete = []
# Sub-iteration 2 - binary check
mask_coordinates = np.argwhere(self.mask_being_skeletonised == 1).tolist()
for point in mask_coordinates:
if self._deletePixelSubit2(point):
# Check the local height values to determine if pixels should be deleted
# pixels_to_delete = self._checkHeights(pixels_to_delete)
for x, y in pixels_to_delete:
number_of_deleted_points += 1
self.mask_being_skeletonised[x, y] = 0
if number_of_deleted_points == 0:
self.skeleton_converged = True
def _deletePixelSubit1(self, point):
"""Function to check whether a single point should be deleted based
on both its local binary environment and its local height values"""
self.p2, self.p3, self.p4, self.p5, self.p6, self.p7, self.p8, self.p9 = genTracingFuncs.getLocalPixelsBinary(
self.mask_being_skeletonised, point[0], point[1]
if (
and self._binaryThinCheck_b()
and self._binaryThinCheck_c()
and self._binaryThinCheck_d()
return True
return False
def _deletePixelSubit2(self, point):
"""Function to check whether a single point should be deleted based
on both its local binary environment and its local height values"""
self.p2, self.p3, self.p4, self.p5, self.p6, self.p7, self.p8, self.p9 = genTracingFuncs.getLocalPixelsBinary(
self.mask_being_skeletonised, point[0], point[1]
# Add in generic code here to protect high points from being deleted
if (
and self._binaryThinCheck_b()
and self._binaryThinCheck_csharp()
and self._binaryThinCheck_dsharp()
return True
return False
"""These functions are ripped from the Zhang et al. paper and do the basic
skeletonisation steps
I can use the information from the c,d,c' and d' tests to determine a good
direction to search for higher height values """
def _binaryThinCheck_a(self):
# Condition A protects the endpoints (which will be > 2) - add in code here to prune low height points
if 2 <= self.p2 + self.p3 + self.p4 + self.p5 + self.p6 + self.p7 + self.p8 + self.p9 <= 6:
return True
return False
def _binaryThinCheck_b(self):
count = 0
if [self.p2, self.p3] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p3, self.p4] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p4, self.p5] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p5, self.p6] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p6, self.p7] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p7, self.p8] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p8, self.p9] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p9, self.p2] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if count == 1:
return True
return False
def _binaryThinCheck_c(self):
if self.p2 * self.p4 * self.p6 == 0:
return True
return False
def _binaryThinCheck_d(self):
if self.p4 * self.p6 * self.p8 == 0:
return True
return False
def _binaryThinCheck_csharp(self):
if self.p2 * self.p4 * self.p8 == 0:
return True
return False
def _binaryThinCheck_dsharp(self):
if self.p2 * self.p6 * self.p8 == 0:
return True
return False
def _checkHeights(self, candidate_points):
candidate_points = candidate_points.tolist()
except AttributeError:
for x, y in candidate_points:
# if point is basically at background don't bother assessing height and just delete:
if self.image_data[x, y] < 1e-9:
# Check if the point has already been identified as a high point
self.highest_points[(x, y)]
candidate_points.pop(candidate_points.index([x, y]))
# print(x,y)
except KeyError:
) = genTracingFuncs.getLocalPixelsBinary(self.mask_being_skeletonised, x, y)
print([self.p9, self.p2, self.p3], [self.p8, 1, self.p4], [self.p7, self.p6, self.p5])
height_points_to_check = self._checkWhichHeightPoints()
height_points = np.around(self.cropping_dict[height_points_to_check](x, y), decimals=11)
test_value = np.around(self.image_data[x, y], decimals=11)
# print(height_points_to_check, [x,y], self.image_data[x,y], height_points)
# if the candidate points is the highest local point don't delete it
if test_value >= sorted(height_points)[-1]:
print([self.p9, self.p2, self.p3], [self.p8, 1, self.p4], [self.p7, self.p6, self.p5])
print(height_points_to_check, [x, y], self.image_data[x, y], height_points)
self.highest_points[(x, y)] = height_points_to_check
candidate_points.pop(candidate_points.index([x, y]))
print(height_points_to_check, (x, y))
x_n, y_n = self._identifyHighestPoint(x, y, height_points_to_check, height_points)
self.highest_points[(x_n, y_n)] = height_points_to_check
return candidate_points
def _checkWhichHeightPoints(self):
# Is the point on the left hand edge?
# if (self.p8 == 1 and self.p4 == 0 and self.p2 == self.p6):
if self.p7 + self.p8 + self.p9 == 3 and self.p3 + self.p4 + self.p5 == 0 and self.p2 == self.p6:
"""e.g. [1, 1, 0]
[1, 1, 0]
[1, 1, 0]"""
return "horiz_left"
# elif (self.p8 == 0 and self.p4 == 1 and self.p2 == self.p6):
elif self.p7 + self.p8 + self.p9 == 0 and self.p3 + self.p4 + self.p5 == 3 and self.p2 == self.p6:
"""e.g. [0, 1, 1]
[0, 1, 1]
[0, 1, 1]"""
return "horiz_right"
# elif (self.p2 == 1 and self.p6 == 0 and self.p4 == self.p8):
elif self.p9 + self.p2 + self.p3 == 3 and self.p5 + self.p6 + self.p7 == 0 and self.p4 == self.p8:
"""e.g. [1, 1, 1]
[1, 1, 1]
[0, 0, 0]"""
return "vert_up"
# elif (self.p2 == 0 and self.p6 == 1 and self.p4 == self.p8):
elif (
self.p9 + self.p2 + self.p3 == 0 and self.p5 + self.p6 + self.p7 == 3 and self.p4 == self.p8
): # and self.p4 == self.p8):
"""e.g. [0, 0, 0]
[1, 1, 1]
[1, 1, 1]"""
return "vert_down"
elif self.p2 + self.p8 <= 1 and self.p4 + self.p5 + self.p6 >= 2:
"""e.g. [0, 0, 1] [0, 0, 0]
[0, 1, 1] [0, 1, 1]
[1, 1, 1] or [0, 1, 1]"""
return "diagright_down"
elif self.p4 + self.p6 <= 1 and self.p8 + self.p9 + self.p2 >= 2:
"""e.g. [1, 1, 1] [1, 1, 0]
[1, 1, 0] [1, 1, 0]
[1, 0, 0] or [0, 0, 0]"""
return "diagright_up"
elif self.p2 + self.p4 <= 1 and self.p8 + self.p7 + self.p6 >= 2:
"""e.g. [1, 0, 0] [0, 0, 0]
[1, 1, 0] [1, 1, 0]
[1, 1, 1] or [1, 1, 0]"""
return "diagleft_down"
elif self.p8 + self.p6 <= 1 and self.p2 + self.p3 + self.p4 >= 2:
"""e.g. [1, 1, 1] [0, 1, 1]
[0, 1, 1] [0, 1, 1]
[0, 0, 1] or [0, 0, 0]"""
return "diagleft_up"
# else:
# return 'save'
def _initialiseHeightFindingDict(self):
height_cropping_funcs = {}
height_cropping_funcs["horiz_left"] = self._getHorizontalLeftHeights
height_cropping_funcs["horiz_right"] = self._getHorizontalRightHeights
height_cropping_funcs["vert_up"] = self._getVerticalUpwardHeights
height_cropping_funcs["vert_down"] = self._getVerticalDonwardHeights
height_cropping_funcs["diagleft_up"] = self._getDiaganolLeftUpwardHeights
height_cropping_funcs["diagleft_down"] = self._getDiaganolLeftDownwardHeights
height_cropping_funcs["diagright_up"] = self._getHorizontalRightHeights
height_cropping_funcs["diagright_down"] = self._getHorizontalRightHeights
height_cropping_funcs["save"] = self._savePoint
return height_cropping_funcs
def _getHorizontalLeftHeights(self, x, y):
heights = [] # [self.image_data[x,y]]
for i in range(-self.search_window, self.search_window):
if i == 0:
heights.append(self.image_data[x - i, y])
return heights
def _getHorizontalRightHeights(self, x, y):
heights = [] # [self.image_data[x,y]]
for i in range(-self.search_window, self.search_window):
if i == 0:
heights.append(self.image_data[x + i, y])
return heights
def _getVerticalUpwardHeights(self, x, y):
heights = [] # [self.image_data[x,y]]
for i in range(-self.search_window, self.search_window):
if i == 0:
heights.append(self.image_data[x, y + i])
return heights
def _getVerticalDonwardHeights(self, x, y):
heights = [] # [self.image_data[x,y]]
for i in range(-self.search_window, self.search_window):
if i == 0:
heights.append(self.image_data[x, y - i])
return heights
def _getDiaganolLeftUpwardHeights(self, x, y):
heights = [] # [self.image_data[x,y]]
for i in range(-self.search_window, self.search_window):
if i == 0:
heights.append(self.image_data[x + i, y + i])
return heights
def _getDiaganolLeftDownwardHeights(self, x, y):
heights = [] # [self.image_data[x,y]]
for i in range(-self.search_window, self.search_window):
if i == 0:
heights.append(self.image_data[x - i, y - i])
return heights
def _getDiaganolRightUpwardHeights(self, x, y):
heights = [] # [self.image_data[x,y]]
for i in range(-self.search_window, self.search_window):
if i == 0:
heights.append(self.image_data[x - i, y + i])
return heights
def _getDiaganolRightDownwardHeights(self, x, y):
heights = [] # [self.image_data[x,y]]
for i in range(-self.search_window, self.search_window):
if i == 0:
heights.append(self.image_data[x + i, y - i])
return heights
def _condemnPoint(self, x, y):
heights = [] # [self.image_data[x,y]]
for i in range(1, self.search_window):
return heights
def _identifyHighestPoint(self, x, y, index_direction, indexed_heights):
highest_value = 0
offset = len(indexed_heights) / 2
for num, height_value in enumerate(indexed_heights):
if height_value > highest_value:
highest_point = height_value
index_position = (num + 1) - offset
if index_direction == "horiz_left":
return x - num, y
elif index_direction == "horiz_right":
return x + num, y
elif index_direction == "vert_up":
return x, y + num
elif index_direction == "vert_down":
return x, y - num
elif index_direction == "diagleft_up":
return x + num, y + num
elif index_direction == "diagleft_down":
return x + num, y - num
elif index_direction == "diagright_up":
return x - num, y + num
elif index_direction == "diagright_down":
return x - num, y - num
def finalSkeletonisationIteration(self):
"""A final skeletonisation iteration that removes "hanging" pixels.
Examples of such pixels are:
[0, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 0]
[0, 1, 1] [0, 1, 1] [0, 1, 1]
case 1: [0, 1, 0] or case 2: [0, 1, 0] or case 3: [1, 1, 0]
This is useful for the future functions that rely on local pixel environment
to make assessments about the overall shape/structure of traces"""
remaining_coordinates = np.argwhere(self.mask_being_skeletonised).tolist()
for x, y in remaining_coordinates:
) = genTracingFuncs.getLocalPixelsBinary(self.mask_being_skeletonised, x, y)
# Checks for case 1 pixels
if self._binaryThinCheck_b_returncount() == 2 and self._binaryFinalThinCheck_a():
self.mask_being_skeletonised[x, y] = 0
# Checks for case 2 pixels
elif self._binaryThinCheck_b_returncount() == 3 and self._binaryFinalThinCheck_b():
self.mask_being_skeletonised[x, y] = 0
def _binaryFinalThinCheck_a(self):
if self.p2 * self.p4 == 1:
return True
elif self.p4 * self.p6 == 1:
return True
elif self.p6 * self.p8 == 1:
return True
elif self.p8 * self.p2 == 1:
return True
def _binaryFinalThinCheck_b(self):
if self.p2 * self.p4 * self.p6 == 1:
return True
elif self.p4 * self.p6 * self.p8 == 1:
return True
elif self.p6 * self.p8 * self.p2 == 1:
return True
elif self.p8 * self.p2 * self.p4 == 1:
return True
def _binaryThinCheck_b_returncount(self):
count = 0
if [self.p2, self.p3] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p3, self.p4] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p4, self.p5] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p5, self.p6] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p6, self.p7] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p7, self.p8] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p8, self.p9] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
if [self.p9, self.p2] == [0, 1]:
count += 1
return count
def pruneSkeleton(self):
"""Function to remove the hanging branches from the skeletons - these
are a persistent problem in the overall tracing process."""
number_of_branches = 0
coordinates = np.argwhere(self.mask_being_skeletonised == 1).tolist()
# The branches are typically short so if a branch is longer than a quarter
# of the total points its assumed to be part of the real data
length_of_trace = len(coordinates)
max_branch_length = int(length_of_trace * 0.15)
# _deleteSquareEnds(coordinates)
# first check to find all the end coordinates in the trace
potential_branch_ends = self._findBranchEnds(coordinates)
# Now check if its a branch - and if it is delete it
for x_b, y_b in potential_branch_ends:
branch_coordinates = [[x_b, y_b]]
branch_continues = True
temp_coordinates = coordinates[:]
temp_coordinates.pop(temp_coordinates.index([x_b, y_b]))
count = 0
while branch_continues:
no_of_neighbours, neighbours = genTracingFuncs.countandGetNeighbours(x_b, y_b, temp_coordinates)
# If branch continues
if no_of_neighbours == 1:
x_b, y_b = neighbours[0]
branch_coordinates.append([x_b, y_b])
temp_coordinates.pop(temp_coordinates.index([x_b, y_b]))
# If the branch reaches the edge of the main trace
elif no_of_neighbours > 1:
branch_coordinates.pop(branch_coordinates.index([x_b, y_b]))
branch_continues = False
is_branch = True
# Weird case that happens sometimes
elif no_of_neighbours == 0:
is_branch = True
branch_continues = False
if len(branch_coordinates) > max_branch_length:
branch_continues = False
is_branch = False
if is_branch:
number_of_branches += 1
for x, y in branch_coordinates:
self.mask_being_skeletonised[x, y] = 0
remaining_coordinates = np.argwhere(self.mask_being_skeletonised)
if number_of_branches == 0:
self.pruning = False
def _findBranchEnds(self, coordinates):
potential_branch_ends = []
# Most of the branch ends are just points with one neighbour
for x, y in coordinates:
if genTracingFuncs.countNeighbours(x, y, coordinates) == 1:
potential_branch_ends.append([x, y])
# Find the ends that are 3/4 neighbouring points
return potential_branch_ends
def _deleteSquareEnds(self, coordinates):
for x, y in coordinates:
class reorderTrace:
def linearTrace(trace_coordinates):
"""My own function to order the points from a linear trace.
This works by checking the local neighbours for a given pixel (starting
at one of the ends). If this pixel has only one neighbour in the array
of unordered points, this must be the next pixel in the trace -- and it
is added to the ordered points trace and removed from the
remaining_unordered_coords array.
If there is more than one neighbouring pixel, a fairly simple function
(checkVectorsCandidatePoints) finds which pixel incurs the smallest
change in angle compared with the rest of the trace and chooses that as
the next point.
This process is repeated until all the points are placed in the ordered
trace array or the other end point is reached."""
trace_coordinates = trace_coordinates.tolist()
except AttributeError: # array is already a python list
# Find one of the end points
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(trace_coordinates):
if genTracingFuncs.countNeighbours(x, y, trace_coordinates) == 1:
ordered_points = [[x, y]]
remaining_unordered_coords = trace_coordinates[:]
while remaining_unordered_coords:
if len(ordered_points) > len(trace_coordinates):
x_n, y_n = ordered_points[-1] # get the last point to be added to the array and find its neighbour
no_of_neighbours, neighbour_array = genTracingFuncs.countandGetNeighbours(
x_n, y_n, remaining_unordered_coords
if (
no_of_neighbours == 1
): # if there's only one candidate - its the next point add it to array and delete from candidate points
elif no_of_neighbours > 1:
best_next_pixel = genTracingFuncs.checkVectorsCandidatePoints(x_n, y_n, ordered_points, neighbour_array)
elif no_of_neighbours == 0:
# nn, neighbour_array_all_coords = genTracingFuncs.countandGetNeighbours(x_n, y_n, trace_coordinates)
# best_next_pixel = genTracingFuncs.checkVectorsCandidatePoints(x_n, y_n, ordered_points, neighbour_array_all_coords)
best_next_pixel = genTracingFuncs.findBestNextPoint(
x_n, y_n, ordered_points, remaining_unordered_coords
if not best_next_pixel:
return np.array(ordered_points)
# If the tracing has reached the other end of the trace then its finished
if genTracingFuncs.countNeighbours(x_n, y_n, trace_coordinates) == 1:
return np.array(ordered_points)
def circularTrace(trace_coordinates):
"""An alternative implementation of the linear tracing algorithm but
with some adaptations to work with circular dna molecules"""
trace_coordinates = trace_coordinates.tolist()
except AttributeError: # array is already a python list
remaining_unordered_coords = trace_coordinates[:]
# Find a sensible point to start of the end points
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(trace_coordinates):
if genTracingFuncs.countNeighbours(x, y, trace_coordinates) == 2:
ordered_points = [[x, y]]
# Randomly choose one of the neighbouring points as the next point
x_n = ordered_points[0][0]
y_n = ordered_points[0][1]
no_of_neighbours, neighbour_array = genTracingFuncs.countandGetNeighbours(x_n, y_n, remaining_unordered_coords)
count = 0
while remaining_unordered_coords:
x_n, y_n = ordered_points[-1] # get the last point to be added to the array and find its neighbour
no_of_neighbours, neighbour_array = genTracingFuncs.countandGetNeighbours(
x_n, y_n, remaining_unordered_coords
if (
no_of_neighbours == 1
): # if there's only one candidate - its the next point add it to array and delete from candidate points
elif no_of_neighbours > 1:
best_next_pixel = genTracingFuncs.checkVectorsCandidatePoints(x_n, y_n, ordered_points, neighbour_array)
elif len(ordered_points) > len(trace_coordinates):
vector_start_end = abs(
ordered_points[0][0] - ordered_points[-1][0], ordered_points[0][1] - ordered_points[-1][1]
if vector_start_end > 5: # Checks if trace has basically finished i.e. is close to where it started
return np.array(ordered_points), False
elif no_of_neighbours == 0:
# Check if the tracing is finished
nn, neighbour_array_all_coords = genTracingFuncs.countandGetNeighbours(x_n, y_n, trace_coordinates)
if ordered_points[0] in neighbour_array_all_coords:
# Checks for bug that happens when tracing messes up
if ordered_points[-1] == ordered_points[-3]:
ordered_points = ordered_points[:-6]
return np.array(ordered_points), False
# Maybe at a crossing with all neighbours deleted - this is crucially a point where errors often occur
# best_next_pixel = genTracingFuncs.checkVectorsCandidatePoints(x_n, y_n, ordered_points, remaining_unordered_coords)
best_next_pixel = genTracingFuncs.findBestNextPoint(
x_n, y_n, ordered_points, remaining_unordered_coords
if not best_next_pixel:
return np.array(ordered_points), False
vector_to_new_point = abs(math.hypot(best_next_pixel[0] - x_n, best_next_pixel[1] - y_n))
if vector_to_new_point > 5: # arbitary distinction but mostly valid probably
return np.array(ordered_points), False
if ordered_points[-1] == ordered_points[-3] and ordered_points[-3] == ordered_points[-5]:
ordered_points = ordered_points[:-6]
return np.array(ordered_points), False
return np.array(ordered_points), True
def circularTrace_old(trace_coordinates):
"""Reorders the coordinates of a trace from a circular DNA molecule
(with no loops) using a polar coordinate system with reference to the
center of mass
I think every step of this can be vectorised for speed up
This is vulnerable to bugs if the dna molecule folds in on itself slightly"""
# calculate the centre of mass for the trace
com_x = np.average(trace_coordinates[:, 0])
com_y = np.average(trace_coordinates[:, 1])
# convert to polar coordinates with respect to the centre of mass
polar_coordinates = []
for x1, y1 in trace_coordinates:
x = x1 - com_x
y = y1 - com_y
r = math.hypot(x, y)
theta = math.atan2(x, y)
polar_coordinates.append([theta, r])
sorted_polar_coordinates = sorted(polar_coordinates, key=lambda i: i[0])
# Reconvert to x, y coordinates
sorted_coordinates = []
for theta, r in sorted_polar_coordinates:
x = r * math.sin(theta)
y = r * math.cos(theta)
x2 = x + com_x
y2 = y + com_y
sorted_coordinates.append([x2, y2])
return np.array(sorted_coordinates)
def loopedCircularTrace():
def loopedLinearTrace():
class genTracingFuncs:
def getLocalPixelsBinary(binary_map, x, y):
p2 = binary_map[x, y + 1]
p3 = binary_map[x + 1, y + 1]
p4 = binary_map[x + 1, y]
p5 = binary_map[x + 1, y - 1]
p6 = binary_map[x, y - 1]
p7 = binary_map[x - 1, y - 1]
p8 = binary_map[x - 1, y]
p9 = binary_map[x - 1, y + 1]
return p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9
def countNeighbours(x, y, trace_coordinates):
"""Counts the number of neighbouring points for a given coordinate in
a list of points"""
number_of_neighbours = 0
if [x, y + 1] in trace_coordinates:
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x + 1, y + 1] in trace_coordinates:
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x + 1, y] in trace_coordinates:
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x + 1, y - 1] in trace_coordinates:
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x, y - 1] in trace_coordinates:
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x - 1, y - 1] in trace_coordinates:
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x - 1, y] in trace_coordinates:
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x - 1, y + 1] in trace_coordinates:
number_of_neighbours += 1
return number_of_neighbours
def getNeighbours(x, y, trace_coordinates):
"""Returns an array containing the neighbouring points for a given
coordinate in a list of points"""
neighbour_array = []
if [x, y + 1] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x, y + 1])
if [x + 1, y + 1] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x + 1, y + 1])
if [x + 1, y] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x + 1, y])
if [x + 1, y - 1] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x + 1, y - 1])
if [x, y - 1] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x, y - 1])
if [x - 1, y - 1] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x - 1, y - 1])
if [x - 1, y] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x - 1, y])
if [x - 1, y + 1] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x - 1, y + 1])
return neighbour_array
def countandGetNeighbours(x, y, trace_coordinates):
"""Returns the number of neighbouring points for a coordinate and an
array containing the those points"""
neighbour_array = []
number_of_neighbours = 0
if [x, y + 1] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x, y + 1])
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x + 1, y + 1] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x + 1, y + 1])
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x + 1, y] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x + 1, y])
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x + 1, y - 1] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x + 1, y - 1])
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x, y - 1] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x, y - 1])
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x - 1, y - 1] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x - 1, y - 1])
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x - 1, y] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x - 1, y])
number_of_neighbours += 1
if [x - 1, y + 1] in trace_coordinates:
neighbour_array.append([x - 1, y + 1])
number_of_neighbours += 1
return number_of_neighbours, neighbour_array
def returnPointsInArray(points_array, trace_coordinates):
for x, y in points_array:
if [x, y] in trace_coordinates:
points_in_trace_coordinates.append([x, y])
except NameError:
points_in_trace_coordinates = [[x, y]]
# for x, y in points_array:
# print([x,y])
# try:
# trace_coordinates.index([x,y])
# print(trace_coordinates.index([x,y]))
# except ValueError:
# continue
# else:
# try:
# points_in_trace_coordinates.append([x,y])
# except NameError:
# points_in_trace_coordinates = [[x,y]]
return points_in_trace_coordinates
except UnboundLocalError:
return None
def makeGrid(x, y, size):
for x_n in range(-size, size + 1):
x_2 = x + x_n
for y_n in range(-size, size + 1):
y_2 = y + y_n
grid.append([x_2, y_2])
except NameError:
grid = [[x_2, y_2]]
return grid
def findBestNextPoint(x, y, ordered_points, candidate_points):
ordered_points = np.array(ordered_points)
candidate_points = np.array(candidate_points)
ordered_points = ordered_points.tolist()
candidate_points = candidate_points.tolist()
for i in range(1, 8):
# build array of coordinates from which to check
coords_to_check = genTracingFuncs.makeGrid(x, y, i)
# check for potential points in the larger search area
points_in_array = genTracingFuncs.returnPointsInArray(coords_to_check, candidate_points)
# Make a decision depending on how many points are found
if not points_in_array:
elif len(points_in_array) == 1:
best_next_point = points_in_array[0]
return best_next_point
best_next_point = genTracingFuncs.checkVectorsCandidatePoints(x, y, ordered_points, points_in_array)
return best_next_point
return None
def checkVectorsCandidatePoints(x, y, ordered_points, candidate_points):
"""Finds which neighbouring pixel incurs the smallest angular change
with reference to a previous pixel in the ordered trace, and chooses that
as the next point"""
x_test = ordered_points[-1][0]
y_test = ordered_points[-1][1]
if len(ordered_points) > 4:
x_ref = ordered_points[-3][0]
y_ref = ordered_points[-3][1]
x_ref_2 = ordered_points[-2][0]
y_ref_2 = ordered_points[-2][1]
elif len(ordered_points) > 3:
x_ref = ordered_points[-2][0]
y_ref = ordered_points[-2][1]
x_ref_2 = ordered_points[0][0]
y_ref_2 = ordered_points[0][1]
x_ref = ordered_points[0][0]
y_ref = ordered_points[0][1]
x_ref_2 = ordered_points[0][0]
y_ref_2 = ordered_points[0][1]
dx = x_test - x_ref
dy = y_test - y_ref
ref_theta = math.atan2(dx, dy)
x_y_theta = []
for x_n, y_n in candidate_points:
x = x_n - x_ref_2
y = y_n - y_ref_2
theta = math.atan2(x, y)
x_y_theta.append([x_n, y_n, abs(theta - ref_theta)])
ordered_x_y_theta = sorted(x_y_theta, key=lambda x: x[2])
return [ordered_x_y_theta[0][0], ordered_x_y_theta[0][1]]